Are we alone in the Universe?
Are we being visited by Aliens?
Where are the visitors from, and what do they want?
Can Alien Abductions be terminated as a life pattern?
Why does this experience happen to certain people?
What is the Christian perspective of the UFO phenomenon?
Testimony of Sue
Hi here’s a condensed version of the happenings in my life. Feel free to use all or part, but please use only my first name to protect my custody of my children. I mention a lot of dreams and other stuff because I feel strongly that they somehow tie in together.
About age 3 or 4 the lucid nightmares and OBE’S started. In half the nightmares I was being chased by 2ft. demons, the other half I’m standing off to the side watching people going into a lake of lava while someone is standing next to me saying I’m responsible for figuring out how to stop them. These nightmares were unusual because I didn’t believe in God or demons and of the terrifying reality and frequency and that I have always felt watched. They continued for several years then stopped for a couple of decades until they started in similar form a year ago.
About age 14 I woke up in the middle of an OBE and found myself on a stone alter naked being ceremoniously oiled up in what seemed to be a dungeon or cave. Surprise, shock, and fear brought me back awake in my bed right away. I still don’t what to think about this because I was raised to believe in math and science, not God and demons or anything supernatural. In ’93 the night before my public alter call I finished nursing my baby and started to roll over when on my back I was held down by what felt like a heavy blanket, I couldn’t scream or move and the room was too black; then I heard a male voice speak next to my ear in another language. I finally croaked out “Jesus Christ” and it was over. I was so scared that I don’t think I’m the one that came up with that idea.
In the summer of ’00 lucid nightmares and dreams started again that blurred the line between them and OBE’S. In Nov.of’00 I was fasting a little for a few weeks when I started seeing silhouettes of people around me even seeing features of the room and they’re faces. I would sometimes feel them touching me or moving my hand or leg while wide awake. I got so scared I quit fasting and started drinking and smoking again and the visions stopped for awhile. Apr.13,’01 I started having OBE’S day and night. Something was trying very hard to separate me from my body. Sometimes I would feel and hear a buzzing right before it would start. Once while doing housework I felt like I was hit on the head with a sledgehammer that separated my spirit from my body by a couple of inches. These were happening several times a day and night. When they were able to get me away from my body I would be in a room with people standing around me. I would pray to God in the name of Jesus to help me and I would come back. It was happening so often that it was prayer or sheer force of will that would keep me here or get me back. Once I got so mad about the frequency of the intrusions that were draining my peace of mind my fear started to diminish, so did the intrusions.
I still hear someone walking around my house, kicking things sometimes and the OBE’S still happen a few times a week, but only when I’m asleep and I sometimes wake up with deep black bruises on my hips and hind; too many to just be accidents. I still haven’t gotten used to the idea that my world has apparently never been what it seems. But now I’m more pissed than scared that they destroyed a loving little girl’s life and peace. I strongly believe that I’ve learned that prayer, awareness,& empowerment are great tools to help us to win.
I can’t thank you enough for being an immediate friend and sharing what you know. This is the loneliest “place” I’ve ever been in and it helps more than you know to have a man of God take me seriously after the lack of help some churches were. I don’t think churches know what to do with this “stuff”. I didn’t completely believe in UFO’s until I saw the overwhelming similarities to what I’d been going through since ~3yrs.old. I would have lucid night- mares recently about aliens and abduction type experiences and then months later read almost the exact same story from an abductee. I can only hope at this point that mine were only dreams. I’m afraid to know otherwise. This really is my condensed version. I’ll keep in touch and keep you up to date on the war. Your Friend….’Sue’
The Terror That Comes in the Night
There is a book by David J. Hufford called The Terror that Comes in the Night. The sub-title of the book describes the contents: “An Experience-Centered Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions.” Dr. Hufford is a sociologist and university professor. According to his research about one sixth of the population experiences the phenomenon described in his book yet almost no one talks about it. The experience Hufford describes is similar to what has become known in our culture as the “alien abduction” phenomenon, yet differing in some aspects. According to a Roper Poll done in 1992 at least two percent of the adult population in the United States has experienced what they call “being abducted.” It is difficult to get an exact number since it is believed that many people completely repress the experience and many others just don’t talk about it.
The Roper Poll used a sample of 5,947 respondents corresponding to the equivalent number among the 185,000,000 ostensibly represented by Roper’s demographically balanced sample. The margin of error is + or – 1.4 per cent. The poll excluded everyone under 18 years of age and all residents of Hawaii and
Alaska, as well as all residing in dormitories, hospitals, etc. When respondents were asked if they had ever awakened paralyzed with a sense of a strange “presence” in the room 18 per cent said “yes.” This percentage with a + or – 1.4 margin of error represents 33,300,000 people.
In 1973 my husband Coleman and I and our two baby boys lived in Virginia. Coleman was working for Christianity Today as the advertising manager and I was a stay-at-home mom doing some freelance artwork. One night I awoke with a start. My eyes flew open like a close-up in a horror movie when the dead person comes back to life. I was totally awake with the sense that something was very wrong. That sense moved very quickly to terror. I was paralyzed, unable to move anything except my eyes. To my left, over my husband’s sleeping body, I could see three figures gliding into the room. Their feet, which I couldn’t see because a monk-like robe covered them, never touched the ground. They were coming out of a walk-in closet bedroom and my first thought was, “How did they get in there?” It was communicated to me in some fashion – I don’t know how – that they had come through the large second story window in the nursery, glided down the hall, gone through the wall into the master bath, and from the bathroom had glided into the closet. I knew they were very, very angry with me for some reason, but I didn’t know why. They communicated to me, without speaking, that they were going to levitate my stiff body, slam me through the window above our bed and drop me on my head killing me. They wanted me to know that my husband would be blamed for my death.
I had no doubt that they were capable of doing this and my terror escalated. I tried to scream at Coleman to wake up but I couldn’t. My vocal cords were paralyzed. Then I began to pray. I tried to call out, “JESUS.” Again nothing would come out of my mouth other than grunts. Once more I tried to say “JESUS.” More grunts. Finally a garbled “Jesus” came out. At the name of Jesus the beings dissipated into the air into little triangles just like a visual effect.
I immediately woke Coleman and told him what had happened. After comforting me, the inevitable question came. He said, “Are you sure it wasn’t just a bad dream?” Irritated, I replied, “Yes, I’m sure. Because if it was a bad dream I’m still dreaming. I awoke before it began and I have not awakened since. Besides I just KNOW it was real.” At the time, neither one of us knew what to do with this experience, so I just filed it away and didn’t talk about it again for over 20 years.
Then over twenty years later Coleman was writing a pilot script for a television series that was supposed to be about all sorts of strange phenomena. He gave me a book on alien abduction and asked me to read it and see if there might be any story ideas in it that he could use. As I read the book it struck me how similar these people’s experiences were to mine. Then I came across a drawing of one person’s alien abductor. It was eerie. He had drawn the same beings that had come into my room.
At the same time, I was reading a book about several different missionaries who had gone to a variety of Third World countries to tell people about Jesus. The book was titled, Demon Experiences in Many Lands and it was published by Moody Bible Institute in Chicago in 1960. In the preface we find this statement by the publishers: “It has been many years since any serious study of demon experiences has been published, and possibly never before a compilation from competent observers in many parts of the world. The reason for this omission is not clear, but the result has been a feeling on the part of many Christians that these strange (to us moderns) phenomena were only valid in Bible times.” Several of the missionaries had this attitude themselves when their strange experiences began. Most were totally unprepared for the assaults that they and their new converts confronted. Several of these experiences were very similar to the ones described in Hufford’s book and countless alien abduction books. A conclusion from Hufford’s book is that people unfamiliar with any notion of what he calls an “Old Hag Tradition” describe their symptoms precisely in accordance with those aware of such a tradition. Hufford never called these experiences “demonic.” But all of the missionaries came to that conclusion. They believed that they were dealing with demons and they looked to the Bible to learn how to overcome them.
As I began to form my own opinion about my night terror experience, I went to the Internet to see if any one beside myself had had a similar experience. Was I the only person who had used the name of “Jesus” to end a night terror or alien abduction experience? I found an article from Florida Today magazine that appeared on August 17, 1997, written by Rita Elkins concerning alien abduction and it’s similarity to demonic oppression. She quotes Joe Jordan, a director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a clearinghouse for UFO related research. When he is not checking out UFO claims for MUFON he works in product development and engineering for Sea Ray Boats. He and his partner Wes Clark, also a member of MUFON, who is a quality control engineer at the Kennedy Space Center, have, through their work at MUFON, come across several people who have been able to stop their abduction experience by calling on the name of Jesus. He shared a taped interview with Elkins for her article in Florida Today:
Elkins goes on to say, “Relentless anonymity is given in abduction research. Nobody in their right mind wants family, friends and co-workers to know they’ve had their personal space violated against their will by strange-looking creatures whose existence isn’t even proven.”
Jordan told Elkins that three other researchers had had similar cases. They had not revealed this because they felt it would hurt their credibility, especially among the folks that invite them to speak at UFO Conventions. I certainly can understand this. A number of years ago Coleman and I went to a UFO Convention in San Francisco. Most of the people there were defiantly New Agers and didn’t seem to be open to traditional religion at all. In spite of the fact that abduction experiences are described as horrible, brutal and denigrating many believe they are done by good aliens and are somehow beneficial to human kind. So my question is, “Do you really think our alien ‘space brothers’ are assaulting us or could there be a demonic connection to these experiences?
You may be wondering why I have decided to share my night terror story with the world on the Internet. I am sure that there are many who will just think I am a total wacko. Some of you who know me may think I am farther gone than you realized. But if there are people experiencing these assaults who want them to stop I can offer way out.
Few years ago, my son was taking a college class at a secular university. The teacher of this class, which was a language class and had nothing to do with what we are writing about today, began asking the same questions that were asked in the Roper Poll. After a few questions one girl raised her hand and began to tell the class about her abduction experience. When she had finished my son said to her, “There is a way to stop these experiences if you want to.” The teacher interrupted,” No, there is no way to stop them!” “Yes!” my son replied, “They can be stopped.” “No they can not.” At that point the teacher went back to the curriculum. I want people to know that my son’s teacher is wrong. There is a way to stop these experiences. Please don’t think that I am saying that the name “Jesus” is magic. It is not magic, but it does have Amazing Power. The Creator of the Universe knows his children. The Good Shepard knows his sheep. Surely if he was willing to die for our sins, He is able to protect us from the Evil Ones. If you want His protection, put your faith in Him.
Eileen’s Story
Dear Mr. Jordan,
For the past two weeks I have — for the first time in my life — been researching Christian ufology, and — for the first time — am now extending an open mind to it. Prior to these past two weeks, Christian ufology was only ever something I had heard about in passing, and which I readily dismissed as a fringe phenomenon of the emotionally unstable and the intellectually irrational.
But I am now reconsidering that position.
In my web searchings, I came across your site “Alien Resistance” (among other sites) and decided I would like to contact you.
My first inclination was to contact Lisa Davis, but her web site has been hacked, and I can’t find an e-mail address for her anywhere.
I also tried to e-mail Guy Malone, but his mailbox isn’t working.
To keep this e-mail as brief as possible, I will succinctly say I believe I have a life history of low-level visitations. In my use of the term “low-level” I am spontaneously (and perhaps clumsily) coining a phrase here in this e-mail to try and convey the idea that my visitation experiences were of minor significance and also of lesser trauma than what I have been reading about in the internet testimonies of other victims.
My visitations have included 1) dreams and 2) out-of-body experiences. The dreams, which were very rare (a few times a year at the most), started when I was around seven years old, and were always about creatures, or monsters, or outright aliens (usually only one entity per dream, not multiples) who would come to me during the course of the dream, often hurt me, and when I awakened I would still physically feel the pain that they had inflicted upon me in the dream. Never once did any of the creatures/monsters/aliens in these dreams speak to me or engage in any other type of communication. The out-of-body experiences began when I was about four, were very rare (again only a few times a year at most), and stopped for the duration of my teen-aged years, but then returned again for a very brief while after I had reached adulthood AND after I had become a born-again Christian. But when the out-of-body experiences returned during my new life as a Christian, I spoke to some women in my church who prayed for me, and the out-of-body experiences stopped. They have not happened again since then. In 1992, I went on a short-term summer missionary trip to Ireland where I believe I was literally attacked in my sleep while staying at a Christian woman’s house in Dublin, and the validity of the attack was corroborated by two other Christian women in the house (the Irish hostess, and the other American woman who also came as a missionary for the summer).
At this stage in my life, I believe these visitations have probably ceased. It has been many years since I have had any such dream at all. I spent probably the first eight years of my Christian walk experiencing occasional dreams which I was too embarrassed to tell anyone about, and which I couldn’t help but think had to be MORE than just dreams because they were the only dreams I had where I would get hurt in the dream AND ALSO awaken still experiencing the sensation of literal pain and discomfort from the dreamt injuries. A solid correlation emerged: dreams that “hurt” always had a monster, and dreams with monsters always “hurt”. But I never got “hurt” in my any of my “normal” and “monster-less” dreams where I perhaps fell down a set of stairs or got hit by a tidal wave or crashed a car. I even had a “normal” dream once when I was in college in the middle of final exam week, and in that dream I tripped and fell face-first onto the sidewalk and broke all of the teeth out of my mouth from the impact. And then I stood up in my dream with broken teeth all over the ground in front of me and I had blood gushing out of my mouth, and then I woke up at that exact moment of standing up with a bleeding mouth, but even THAT dream did not “hurt”. But in all of my “monster” dreams, which began at the age of seven, I have experienced any of the following assaults: I have been punched, choked, stabbed, dragged across the floor, thrown against a wall, and had many other violent things done to me. Some of the assaults were sexual, and ALL of them “hurt”. And whenever I awakened from any of my “monster” dreams, the echo of the pain from these traumas remained as a conscious and unignorable physical sensation for up to half an hour after waking up and walking around (I believe this might technically fall under the category of what medical science refers to as “phantom pain”).
The only explanation I can offer as far as the cessation of this life-long bout with what I shall call “painful” dreams is that I did learn over the years to call upon the name of Jesus in my dreams, and perhaps that has been the difference to cause them to finally stop. I can’t assert this correlation with any certainty, nor can I claim that my initial practice of calling on Jesus’ name brought an IMMEDIATE cure. It was actually several years from the time I started to do this in my “painful” dreams until such dreams stopped. Perhaps it took several years for me to get adept at it — to achieve a high enough level of dream-state cognizance and alertness to utilize Jesus’ name with deliberate and with immediacy and (most importantly) with consistency. And perhaps then it was only after I displayed such consistency that “their” efforts with me were abandoned.
I write to you today as a Christian woman who believes her entire life has been “vandalized” by demonic forces. I have spent most of my Christian life (I was saved in the late 1980’s at the age of 19) wondering if a demonic presence in my life was responsible for much of the grief I have endured in my daily living. Even other people around me (Christian and non-Christian) have commented that they are stunned at the amount of grief my life has passed through, sensing my portion of troubles surpasses what the laws of averages dictate I should get. But whenever I tried to research the possibility of demonic influences in my life, I always recoiled in horror at the blatantly unsound theology I found in many books and teachings on the subject. I was leery of immersing myself into what I sensed was an odd and unstable corner of the Christian sub-culture where I would be consulting with people who saw a Communist behind every bush and a demon under every doily. So very many of these deliverance-from-demons ministries insist that a truth-seeker must repent of witchcraft and occultism, and to even repent of any witchcraft or occultism that parents or grandparents might have engaged in. And to my knowledge neither I nor my parents nor my grandparents have ever engaged in witchcraft, but I’m supposed to repent of it anyhow. How can I be convicted of a sin the existence of which I’m not even convinced? But ALL of those demon-deliverance ministries insisted that repentance of such hidden occultism was prerequisite to deliverance. So I felt like I was walking on very unstable ground whenever I looked into these teachings, as if the proponents of these ministries were asking me to invent transgressions that never existed, or manufacture a sin history (either in myself or in my family) that was pure imagination. Self-delusion is not something I embrace readily, even if a promised reward of happiness and blessings are offered for doing so. I only want the truth.
The Christian ufology movement is admittedly the very last place I expected to find something that made sense to me. But it was only after reading the internet testimonies of various people on your web site (and other web sites as well) that I began to sense that perhaps this movement has some solid grounding in actual truth, AND that these truths related to me and my circumstances. My dreams and my out-of-body experiences fit more into the alien visitation model than into the witchcraft model. I know of no occultism in my family, but after spending the past two weeks reading these Christian ufology web sites, I do believe there is a history of visitations in my family. So I am infinitely more comfortable concluding that I am a visitation victim than a witchcraft victim. That conclusion in no way invalidates the testimonies of those who claim to be victims of occult abuse, nor does it try to play down the severity of witchcraft’s sinfulness as spelled out in Scripture. If anything my conclusion only lends credibility to the idea that Satan has MANY avenues through which he conducts his campaign of deception, and the UFO-lie is one of the latest.
I have a great deal more to read about in this topic. But I believe I am able to read further on the subject matter without the same recoiling-in-horror reaction I have always had with demon-deliverance ministries.
In conclusion, I really would like it if you could connect me with someone I could pray with about this. There’s no one in my church who would be even remotely tolerant of any such notions. So if you could help me network to a counselor, I’d be very grateful.
Regards –Eileen
Bob in Missouri Tells Us His Story
I am presently sixty-eight years of age and until a few years ago, I was unaware that others were having experiences that mirrored my own. My experiences seemed so personal and spiritual that it did not occur to me for quite some time that others might be having experiences so similar.
My first experience was so traumatic that I could not tell anyone about it for some time and then only my wife. I was for some time concerned that I might be considered imbalanced or some sort of wacko. Though my experience contains many of the elements of what is described as “sleep
paralysis”, I believe that my own “sleep paralysis” was the result of demonic assault or that sleep paralysis was the means used by demonic entities to attack me. The fear was always instantaneous as I would awaken to find myself paralyzed but aware of what I can only describe as a “presence” accompanied by a “tone” not unlike a 1,000 htz tone in a sound system that’s feeding back and always so loud that I thought my head would burst.
While I never saw any images or “beings”, the room would always seem darkened with what I am constrained to describe as the presence of an “entity” that seemed to move closer and closer attempting to push its way into my mind or psyche.
Words fail me in trying to describe the means I was using to resist the entity. The only way I can describe my efforts is to say that I found myself mentally or perhaps even spiritually “pushing” back against its attempt to enter me at whatever level. Finally when I felt I was losing
in my efforts to repel the intrusion, I cried out to God and Christ to help me and immediately the attacks would begin to fade and within a few seconds, I was able to retake control of my whole body. If this was not an attack from a demonic entity, why would such an appeal always cause it to cease almost immediately?
At those moments, I seemed exhausted from the incident(s) but also there would be such a sense of release, peace and comfort that I would almost immediately fall back into a restful uninterrupted sleep for the remainder of the evening.
I have come to believe from my lifelong biblical studies that what I experienced was indeed a form of demonic attack that I’m sure could seem to many with certain backgrounds to be unquestionably alien for alien on some lever it defiantly was. It may be that these entities are able to induce what we call “sleep paralysis” and then from within that inducement, use it as a means or portal to attack the objects of their assault. These attacks would continue for a period of a few years during my late twenties and early thirties.
As scripture admonishes, “…resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” This seems to have been the case as my subsequent resistance was always to invoke the name of Christ to repel the attacks and ultimately the attacks ceased altogether. I have now been free of these assaults
for many years and rather than cause me any spiritual consternation, the attacks only served to drive me closer to the safety I found in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope you find my experience useful in conjunction with the others. Feel free to openly use it or any of its elements with no attribution asked or required.
Testimony of Eve Lorgen
Author of
The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships
Eve Lorgen is a long-time paranormal researcher, and author of The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships Her testimony is printed here by permission.
“Guy – I agree that there is a particular agenda with the ET hypothesis, and that there are organizations where this is promoted, ala, ET’s here to raise our consciousness, the friendly visitors, celestial guardians of the planet, etc.
“When the concept of spiritual warfare is raised, it creates a big problem because I believe it exposes the primary tactics of the aliens. I, for one never expected the aliens (at least the Greys, reptilians and some dark robed hooded beings) to be anti-Christ until I challenged their authority in my own life. Before I became a Christian (rather, an informed Christian who practices spiritual warfare, intercessory prayer), I had numerous alien visitations. I was raised as a spiritualist, and was heavily involved in the occult. Part of this training I received encouraged the positive ET hypothesis, in a way to try to make me feel special about my own “star seed–chosen status.” I was encouraged to learn psychic abilities, and trance mediumship. As I got further into this, I realized it INCREASED the alien abductions. It also made my health worse and affected my interpersonal relationships in a negative way. To put it bluntly, I WAS A MANIPULATED MUPPET.
“I hated fundamentalist Christians and argued with them with psycho babble and typical New Age metaphysical arguments. I really wanted to believe the aliens who interacted with me were good, and were raising my consciousness, evolution, guiding me to be someone special. After all, I had all these wonderful psychic abilities.
“I suppose it was the health problems and night terrors that got me into looking at alternative explanations for the aliens influence in my life. So I got baptized and learned how to pray with the authority of Jesus Christ. It worked. The aliens and other entities would try to come back and sometimes they were successful and sometimes not. What seemed to expose the (majority) of aliens integrity was when I started praying for spiritual freedom and wisdom. I prayed for other abductees and this created a backlash with some abductees’ alien handlers. They literally came and harassed me to stay away from their “chosen ones.” As I interacted with other researchers who knew the alien game plan (especially the reptilians) the reprisals escalated. I observed how these aliens manipulated so many abductees, sometimes activating their egos to promote their agenda. It was amazing.
“All I can say is that there are definite spiritual forces at work in conflict with one another about the authority over many humans. We need to stand up for ourselves and decide whose authority we want to be under. For all its worth, the psychology of self-empowerment is effective for most against the “little guys”. But when you start dealing with the big guys on the alien/spiritual hierarchy and even demonic beings, this is when the power of Christ is necessary.”
The Testimony of Matt
A little back story and testimony.
Hi my name is Matt. I am a born again Christian and I know that Jesus is in control my destiny. I know that through Him, all things are possible. Recently, I was browsing the internet and came across something called sleep paralysis. I had never heard that term before, but immediately upon reading about it, knew what it was. This was very interesting to me as I believe I have experienced it and very similar experiences to those detailed by many others accounts. I was pleased to learn that I was not alone in this phenomenon. It’s been very helpful to hear that there are others out there who know exactly what I was dealing with. I for one, never saw it as any thing less than evil unwanted spiritual attack. I grew up in the church and although it was not talked about very much, knew that people (Christians too) could become the target of demonic interest. I knew the first time it happened to me, exactly what it was that terrified me so much. The feeling of overwhelmingly malevolent evil in these sleep paralysis episodes is so strong it cant be confused for anything else. Also, it’s interesting to me that I was able to identify it from the first time. I believe that as children of God, we are given the discernment to identify such happenings and subsequently armed with the love of Jesus can combat them. I can see how someone would come up with “alien abduction” as an explanation.. especially if that person was not a believer in God. I remember when I was very small, I was talking to my mom about aliens. And she told me that there was no such thing as aliens and that they were demons doing there part in disrupting the belief in God. My mother is a deeply spiritual woman and very in tune in her walk with Christ, so I took her explanation at face value. I think this also had something to do with my quick discernment in these sleep paralysis episodes. So that’s my back story. Now I’ll tell you about what I’ve experienced, but before I do, I want to make it clear that I do not do this for entertainment or for the sake of furthering any occultist beliefs. In fact I think obsessing on these things can be harmful to one’s faith, but I’ll get back to that. I do this only in the hopes that this may help to witness to non-Christians or help Christians experiencing these types of things understand what is happening to them and how to defend themselves.
when I was a child:
When I was very young (perhaps 6 or 7) I remember very often seeing one of these so called “shadow people” out of the corner of my eye in our house. It was the type that many people also describe as seeing with a fedora type hat on. Perhaps this is related.. perhaps it is not. I only bring it up cause it seems that these “shadow people” are often associated with the sleep paralysis experience. I cant help but think there is a correlation between that and the sleep paralysis episodes I suffered later on in life.
Late teens and twenties:
My first episode I remember included all of the normal sleep paralysis symptoms. I awoke in my bed.. staring at the ceiling and immediately knew there was a malicious evil in the room with me. I could not cry out. I could not move, but I immediately started to pray and it occurred to me to rebuke whatever it was that made me feel so utterly terrified so I said, “By the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command thee out!” I’m not sure if I said it out loud or not, but as soon as I did, I snapped out of it and found that I was indeed lying on my back with my arms crossed across my chest (much like the top of an Egyptian sarcophagus). I later told my friend about it and he described an eerily similar experience and he too woke up in the same exact position. That’s what put it in my mind that there is more to this than just a dream. Many years later, I awoke to the same feeling and through slightly cracked eyes, could make out a very small gargoyle like creature going up the wall. He turned and looked down at me and threw out his hand in a clawing like motion. To give you a visual reference, the creature looked sort of like grey version of the baby version of Hellboy (if you’ve ever seen that movie) Although, when this happened that movie had not come out yet so I know my mind wasn’t making that connection. I didn’t have that source for imagery. Again, I immediately rebuked it in the name of Jesus and again, I immediately snapped out of it. This was the one occurrence that I ever recall seeing something and I’m still not sure if it was there or if my mind was just conjuring up images to try to make sense of this feeling of overwhelming evil and fear. I dont know. I’ve only had two more instances where this sort of thing happened. One I know I woke up gasping for air as if I was having it forced from my lungs, because it woke my girlfriend up. The other time, I again said the same words of, “By the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command thee out!” and it immediately stopped.
I dont know why these things happen. The only thing I can figure is that they seem to have all happened during times of my life that I was very separate from God. I was not living my life in the right way and I think these evil entities of satan were trying to exploit and torment me because of it. They hate God, His love, Jesus and all those that are His children. I know that they can do me no harm or possess me because I am God’s servant and my body is already filled with the spirit of Jesus, but it’s still very scary and always will be. I hope and pray.. yes, truly pray that this never happens to me again, but if it does I know exactly what to do and how to stop it. Now to tell you why your website is a blessing. As I stated before, I had been researching the sleep paralysis thing as well as the “shadow people” thing of my youth, and I was finding all of these very rational and scientific explanations of these events. In short, I was starting to question.. question if my previous assessments were correct.. question if I was just being superstitious.. even question my faith and belief in God. The more questioning I did, the more afraid I was that it was going to happen again. Then I found one of your shows “How To Stop Sleep Paralysis” on the internet. I listened to it and was immediately brought at peace and my belief system remains in tact. In fact, I’m feeling closer to God now because I know I’m not alone. I know that there are others who can relate to what has happened to me, and I know there are people out there trying to help people cope with it. I will pray for the others whom this has happened to and I will pray for your counseling and ministry. If these experiences help to bring people to Christ than so be it. I would hope it’s not necessary to be attacked by demons to see the light, but some people need a little push I guess. Maybe it’s part of God’s plan to strengthen our faith. God created angels, demons and satan himself and ultimately He makes the call on what they are allowed to do. God bless you and keep up the good work.
Testimony of Arn (Dragomir), dictated January 9th 2010.
Personal background: I was raised by secular parents, both of whom called themselves agnostics. The thinking was scientific humanist, my parents, brother and sister and I were all evolutionists, my father especially. After college, government work, and some time in graduate school, I had some personal difficulties, which caused me a lot of psychic pain. The suffering and troubles that ensued did not themselves lead me to believe in God and still less in Christ. My life bore out the truth that those who come to God must in some degree, believe that He is and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and I actively disbelieved both at the time, among other things being yet under the spell of evolution. My progression through those years of generally lessening turmoil and suffering was first to come to believe in a psychic and spiritual world to which men had some kind of connection, then to a deity in some sense in influence or control of the world, (close to gnosticism), and, soon thereafter, seeing, through Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago, that there had to be a good God to restrain the evil in man that was perceivable there, in a good God. In about the August of 1980, I began to attend a Bible study, knowing that I needed God’s mercy and forgiveness, but neither accepting Christ as other than a good man, nor understanding the Bible, just believing it was a book of much wisdom. At that time I was extensively studying the UFO phenomena, including some deep things about supposed encounters with space creatures of a seemingly angelic form, which had seemed likely real, rather than a phantasm, and had made me wonder what they were, and if they were good. On February 3rd 1981, I was half awake on my bed, having just had a temptation dream involving power, and I began hearing a sound I can only describe as a sort of unearthly trumpet sound which sent chills of fear — almost like electric shock — up one side of my body and down the other, waking me up fully. As they continued, I besought God for help, fearing that I would somehow be taken away by the force or entity behind the sound, but I could not reach Him, He was too high for me. At the seventh trumpet sound, (a few minutes), growing ever more afraid, and having nothing else I could really do, I asked Christ to come into my life and protect me. It seemed like a little ghost came from heaven and into me; (not like very much compared to the fear), but the unearthly trumpet ceased to sound, the fear departed, and things calmed, so I was able to sleep. The next day I wondered, “Oh no, what have I done,” but I did not recant, and very soon, began to be able to understand the Bible, which before had put me to sleep when I began to read it.
I have shared this testimony only a couple of times before, and it was only a few years ago that I realized that some people probably have abduction experiences because they do not call on Jesus Christ in situations like that. Mostly I had seen it, as the Lord’s way of getting my attention, not as a prototype situation, or that I had at that time opened up a door — the sort millions of people go through, under the demonic attack of an encounter with the supernatural. Indeed, I had looked for natural explanations of abduction experiences, such as provided in Martin Cannon’s book, The Controllers, and, of UFO’s, Renato Vesco’s ManMade UFO’s, 50 years of suppression. I would have had it to be eighty percent natural, 20 percent supernatural; now I would reverse those percentages somewhat.
Only in the last three weeks did I come across the current Christian response to UFO’s and abductions, when looking at a list of creationist videos, which included one on UFOs, which, when I viewed it, referred to Michael Heiser as an authority on the subject. So I looked him up on the Internet, and listened to his material on Genesis 6, the sons of God, and the Giants. I had rejected the supernatural explanation of Genesis 6, because New Age folk had put forward a spaceman theory, and when I had heard the fallen angels view, it seemed to be one of denying or lessening man’s responsibility. But Michael Heiser’s presentation was credible, and ties together several loose teachings of the Scripture, at least not lessening man’s responsibility, and opens up issues of the supernatural which are important and for many, are quite important, and almost totally are without discussion in commercial and seminary Christianity. On listening to you, Joseph Jordan, and testimonies of protection through the name of Jesus that you made available, I thought it might be of help to add my own.
There is a lot of “watcher doctrine” and “giantistic ideological practice” out there, but God is good, and He loves you.
The Testimony of Alisha
I don’t know if my experiences are typically what is called an abduction, but I read through other testimonies on here and some of them sound like mine. My experiences started out with a “haunting” in my house and eventually turned into sleep visits
I grew up with a mother who was obsessed with the paranormal. She played with Ouija boards and held seances as a teenager. In her adult years, she became obsessed with looking for UFOs in the sky, “ghosts”, demons and other paranormal things. Our house had demonic visits. We would see them frequently. Sometimes they looked like strangers, sometimes they took the form of a family member, sometimes they looked like shadow men, other times they looked completely demonic. There were numerous encounters. It was so bad in our house that none of us would sleep upstairs where most of this would occur. We slept downstairs on the floor and on the couch rather than sleeping upstairs in our own beds. Only on occasion would any of us dare to sleep upstairs. Even guests we had over, who knew nothing of the evil in our house upon arrival, would be terrified of staying there very long because they experienced it, too.
I experienced these things so often and was terrified of them, but they were almost normal to me because it had been happening for so long and so frequently. They usually materialized in the room with me, or I’d see them walk from room to room. Sometimes I would hear voices, banging noises, and rustling. Items would disappear and reappear somewhere else, like they were playing games with me. Finally, one night when I was fourteen, I had my first paralysis experience. I dared to sleep upstairs that night, and I woke up to find something invisible pulling me off of my bed by my ankles. When I tried to get away, I realized I was paralyzed. I always believed that Jesus is the son of God, and I believed the Bible was true, but that was about as far as my walk with Him went. At the moment of this experience, I knew He was the one to turn to for help, so I prayed to Him and the attack stopped. The next episode of paralysis occurred three years later when I was seventeen. I woke up because my bed was shaking. At first, I thought it was a small earthquake, but then I saw a shaggy-haired woman, short in stature, who looked like she was wearing layers upon layers of clothing. She was standing in my doorway staring at me. The only light in my room was the moonlight shining through the window, so I couldn’t make out her face. At first I thought it was my mom trying to scare me, but then I realized I could hear her laughing and watching television in the living room. The woman moved toward me, and I tried moving away from her and yelling for my mom, but I realized I couldn’t do either thing because I was paralyzed. Once again, I prayed to Jesus to help me and the attack stopped. This was the last paralysis attack for many years, although the normal haunting experiences in the house still occurred.
I went on with my life, moved out, went to college, and got married. When I was 26, my relationship with God grew, and I began doing more than just believing in Him. For a year after this, my house was clean of these demonic entities. Then, shortly after I turned 27, which was last summer, the attacks began again. The first time it occurred again, I woke up to a very strong evil presence in my bedroom. I couldn’t see it visually, but I could sense where it was in the room, and I could follow where it was going with my eyes, even in its invisible form — this is how strong the evil presence is. It walked to the end of my bed and climbed on top of me. I still couldn’t see it, but I could feel it suffocating me. I tried to call my husband’s name and shake him awake, but it was then that I realized I was paralyzed. After a bout of panic, I remembered to ask for Jesus to help me. Once I did, the attack stopped, and I could breathe again. Within a week or two, I experienced something strange. I went to bed early that night, and I was alone in my bedroom. I woke up because I could hear my husband bringing in the dog from outside. I could hear them walking through the house, and I could hear him talking to the dog. At one point, I thought he said something to me, but I couldn’t make out what he said, so I tried calling to him and asking him, but I realized I was paralyzed and couldn’t talk or move. An overwhelming feeling came over me that I had to know what he was saying because it was important. Suddenly, it felt like my body popped up, and I was in the doorway of my bedroom. I looked back to the bed, only to realize I could still see myself lying there. The overwhelming feeling of having to know what he said grew in me, so I didn’t even care about my body at the moment. Instead I began to make my way to the room where my husband was, except I was sort of bouncing there. I felt like I didn’t have full control of my “body”, like something was driving me like a vehicle, and at the same time each of my steps was bouncing, like an astronaut on the moon. When I entered the room, I could see my husband sitting at his computer with his side to me. I asked him what he said, but no matter how many times I asked, he seemed to ignore me. Finally, I fell on the ground because I could no longer keep my balance. When my hands smacked the tile floor, he looked directly at me, except it looked as if he was looking through me, and then he turned back to his computer. I was trying to stand back up, and at the same time I was still asking him what he said. Every time I made it onto my hands and knees, my legs would begin sliding out from under me. I then turned around to look at my legs, only to realize something had me by my ankles and was pulling my legs out from under me. It was an invisible entity again. It began dragging me back toward my bedroom. I was trying to call for my husband, but he still didn’t hear me. I dug my fingers into the cracks of the tiles to try to grip something, but it was too strong for me. I prayed to Jesus, and the next thing I knew, I was lying in my bed again. I was terrified and yelled for my husband. This time he heard me and came to me. I told him what happened, and he said it was just a nightmare. Although it was so real, I convinced myself it was a nightmare as well, because I didn’t believe in out-of-body experiences or anything like that. I began telling him a more detailed version of my experience. During my experience, I noticed there were pieces of hay on the floor, as well as dishes and napkins that were beside my husband at his computer (none of that had been there when I had gone to bed that night). I also told him about how he had looked at me when I’d fallen and turned away. When I mentioned the hay, dishes, napkin, and my falling experience to my husband, his eyes grew wide, and he looked frightened. He told me our dog had tracked in hay when he had brought her inside earlier, and that he really did have those dishes and napkins because he had eaten something after I’d gone to bed. He also remembered hearing a sound and looking over to see what it was, and nothing was there, so he had turned back to his computer. The sound had come from the exact same spot where I had fallen, so I assumed he had heard me fall, but I was invisible to him. I don’t know how I knew those things unless I had really been there somehow. A few weeks later, I had another experience. I woke up to find what I thought was my husband lying on top of me, propped up on his arms. It was early morning this time, so I could see him clearly enough to know it was my husband. It was clear by his actions that he was trying to have sex with me. I thought this was unlike him to be doing this while I had been sleeping and to be acting the way he was; I thought at the time that he was acting like an animal. After a moment, he lied down with his weight completely on top of me, and I could feel his breath on my neck. The pressure of his body was suffocating me. I tried pushing him off, only to realize that I was paralyzed. I panicked so much because I couldn’t breathe, that I couldn’t think of anything else. I managed to turn my head to the side ever so slightly, but it was well enough that I could see my real husband lying beside me in the bed with his back to me. Right then, I knew what was on top of me wasn’t really my husband but only pretending to be him. I panicked even more and tried so hard to push it off of me with one arm and wake my husband with the other, but I couldn’t move. I remembered to pray to God, and as soon as I had, the entity was gone and I could move and breathe again. After that experience, I prayed harder than I had about the other ones, because I was terrified about what it had been doing to me. I tried even harder in my walk with God, because I thought maybe it was my own fault these things were occurring — maybe I was leaving open some kind of a doorway for them to come into my life. The attacks stopped for several months. During those months, I found out that two of my sisters and my teenage niece had also experienced episodes of paralysis and attack. One sister’s attacks had stopped years ago; the other sister still experiences them. It may be no coincidence that she is largely involved with the New Age religion. My niece is still undergoing these attacks as well. My attacks started up again this month. The first time this month, I woke up to the invisible entity again. Immediately I knew what was happening, so I closed my eyes tightly and kept them shut, because I was afraid of what I would see. I tried to wake my husband once again, and, as usual, I realized I was paralyzed. Amidst the panic, I remembered to pray to Jesus, and immediately I could move again and the being was gone. The following day I heard strange noises in my closet and bedroom all day long. Two nights passed, and it occurred again. This one is my most recent experience and it happened just last night. I woke up to an evil presence. Once again, I recognized what was going on and that I was paralyzed. I closed my eyes tightly before I had the chance to see what was there, and I kept them closed so I wouldn’t have to see what evil was attacking me this time. I knew if I looked at it, it would make it much more frightening for me. As soon as I had squeezed my eyes shut, I felt myself float up off the bed, still in a lying down position, and I began spinning around and around, like a ceiling fan. The spinning became faster and faster, and I grew extremely dizzy and terrified. I couldn’t bear to open my eyes and see this horror. In my mind, I called out, “Jesus, please help me,” and immediately I was back in the bed and able to move again. I don’t know what I experienced. I don’t know if my physical body was really spinning, or if I was out of body and spinning, or if this being was manipulating my mind to cause me to feel as if I was spinning. Ever since this happened last night, I have been dizzy. I don’t know what it did to me or what it will do to me in the future, but I know that every time I’ve asked Jesus to help me, the attacks have stopped immediately.
The Testimony of Marie
Marie’s Statement:
If you are undergoing “alien” interference with your life, have courage! You have not lost your sanity. With concrete signs and evidence you correctly surmised that an intrusive force is at work. Yet its malevolence surpasses any mere “extra-terrestrial” pigeon-holing. This attack spawns from the Darkness, but don’t consider yourself powerless in combating this scourge. The effects, so terribly real in perception, are produced by telepathic suggestion. Know the weapons of the Creator will provide an invincible response.
If you are experiencing UFO sightings or “extra-terrestrial”
encounters, immediately contact a trusted clergyman. The word “trusted” is used in the sense that while most clergyman strive to sincerely serve God, only a minority of these ministers fully accept the concept of spiritual warfare. These incursions can and will be halted by the intervention of prayer conducted over, for and by you.
My experiences occurred recently:
As a first-year law student, I was enjoying my fall semester in a different area of the country. Class instruction and course work (although very demanding) were fascinating. I felt blessed to have this opportunity for personal growth and future career enhancement.
Last September I noticed one evening in the sky above campus an unusual object. I dismissed it as possibly a military aircraft or a satellite in lower orbit. With my busy schedule, the excitement of the new environment, and the concerns of daily living, I had forgotten the incident. Unfortunately, three weeks ago at the end of a lovely Sunday evening, a UFO again appeared in close proximity to my campus apartment. This incongruous sighting jolted me and recalled the prior occurrence. However, I sublimated my fears and concentrated on final assignments due. Shortly I would be returning home to my family for an enjoyable Christmas vacation after a busy semester.
Two weeks ago the situation exacerbated to where I heard a craft “buzzing” over my apartment on two separate nights. The second night’s manifestations consisted of deafening approaches and departures of a hovering craft.
At this point, I attempted to define what was occurring. The secular world certainly would place no credence in these UFO manifestations. Since I do not use drugs, this situation would lead the world to only one logical, but extremely negative, conclusion. Moreover, this intrusion in my life both frightened and angered me. After the second appearance, I made an extensive search of the Internet to determine if a valid explanation or meaningful assistance could be provided. I certainly was far too embarrassed to mention my predicament to friends. By the second evening’s occurrences, I had sent an email to Rev. Joe Jordan at the address noted on the Alien Resistance website. I found Joe Jordan’s responsive email message on my system the next day after returning from class.
Fortunately, I was able to reach Joe by phone when in the morning after the second night’s “assault,” I viewed by the window a faintly etched form of a “grey.” Interestingly, the facial features, including the eyes, closely resembled the goat-figured depictions of Satan.
When advised by telephone of the visitor, Joe reminded me that it was no “alien” but the very essence of evil. I was directed to read the prayers for exorcism, which prayer instructions I previously had printed from the related Logos Christian Fellowship website. Shortly thereafter Rev. Jordan and an associate, Pastor Tony, called in (from several hundred miles away) to conduct the exorcism telephonically but effectively. Pastor Tony noted that he would sound the traditional Hebrew “Shofar.” One of that sacred instrument’s many purposes is to blast demonic beings to the ends of the universe.
Noises and bangings accompanied the exorcism including the sounds of entities exiting through the wall to the outside. While the Shofar sounded I was observing a small robed being, who with contorted features writhed in torment. With the Shofar’s tarifah blast that miasmic form shudderingly faded into nothingness.
To my questions as to what had occurred, the ministers specified that I was not the victim of possession but had been suffering the burden of oppression. Joe noted that such a development only occurs when a door is left open for an attack – namely the breaking of the Commandments. Although I had prided myself in being a very honest, law-abiding citizen and a Church supporter, by breaking certain of the Commandments I had made myself a target. These transgressions had included dabbling into the occult and certain other failings including within the last four years an affair outside of marriage.
After the exorcism I could sense the tranquility of my apartment. My life, although definitely jolted, seemed to have returned to order. However, much of the campus would be closed for Thanksgiving and I had reservations for a “get-away” holiday weekend at a nearby hotel, where I could both comfortably study and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. While packing I appreciated the quiet and was still marveling that “God must really exist.” I continued to smell just a whiff of the unpleasant odor that had manifested at the time of the morning’s events.
Shortly after my first phone conversation with Joe, he had called to advise that a local resident would assist me through prayer and friendship in overcoming the shock of the situation. This lady even had offered to invite me to her home for the weekend and planned to help me ask for God’s blessing on my apartment that evening as a further protective measure. As I packed I felt deep gratitude to the pastors and local assistant. This volunteer already had phoned and indicated great willingness to help. I also continued to be overjoyed by the realization that God truly IS.
Checking in at the hotel, I appreciated the lovely room, although my campus apartment is quite comfortable as well. I did note the growing unpleasant scent that I had smelled earlier at my apartment and when unpacking for my brief stay, heard rustlings and odd sounds.
The volunteer picked me up at the hotel that evening. A gracious person of unaffected loveliness, the assistant exuded confidence in her faith. She informed me that she, too, had suffered a similar horrific situation. The assistant appreciated my concerns and patiently answered further questions at length. We asked for God’s blessing on my apartment through prayer and the marking of crosses with oil on the doors, lintels, and other entrance points as a preventive measure.
Returning to the hotel, I requested that the volunteer check the room, indicating that I had sensed activity there. Following the same procedure as at the apartment, the room was blessed. At that time I earnestly prayed a form of the Sinner’s Prayer, acknowledging Christ as my Lord and Savior.
After the assistant had left for a long commute home, I realized that I had not eaten. I dined in the hotel – not ordering an alcoholic beverage. It is my practice to usually never drink alcoholic beverages – usually I consume about four alcoholic toasts or drinks in the course of an entire year. The events had disquieted me but after a delicious cheeseburger, I anticipated getting a great deal of studying done. I already had done major preparatory exam work. Also, I looked forward to several phone calls from my family, who love extended phone conversations.
When I returned to the room, the rustlings reoccurred with greater intensity. I had been advised by the assistant of the possibility that the demons might test my resolve. With an increasing crescendo of noises in the room, I decided to study in the hotel lobby under the guise that I was waiting for a relative to arrive for the holiday. Even in the lobby I encountered strange sounds and vibrations, including the occasional major vibrational sound of a craft hovering overhead, the barely perceptible but constant movement of plants, and that offensive burnt odor. I tried unsuccessfully to take quick catnaps since when I did close my eyes, I kept seeing, imposed on the darkness, a moving robed figure.
Not wishing to overly extend my pretext of waiting for a relative, I returned to my room from the lobby. Shortly after entering, the noises resumed. I had been advised by the volunteer that prayer functions as a serious weapon against these attacks. She had noted the Psalms as particularly effective. As I had done earlier, I proceeded to pray the Psalms out loud. I’m embarrassed to say that out of terror I called my Mother, who had believed that I had seen the occurrences but attributed them to extreme overtiredness and need for vacation. My Mother has always been a loving and supportive parent. She freely conceded to my phone request that we pray together for an extended period. Throughout the night I had sensed a resentment from the presences in the hotel room as the Psalms were recited. I noted that while my Mother and I recited the Lord’s Prayer the room definitely quieted.
I freely admit that trying to inconspicuously wait in a lobby at night represents bizarre behavior. The developments in my room that night had escalated into a scenario of terror. Yet it again must be stressed that these images/events represented mere telepathic projections by these entities. Unlike the tangible wonders of the Creator, these cowards fight with sham images, seeking to place their victims in a socially defenseless position.
Returning to the lobby, the conditions quickly returned to their bizarre former status including the rustlings, vibrations, and intermittent sounds of a vibrating craft. At one point I quickly stood by the hotel entrance since I had detected odd noises coming from the outside as well. The raucous bird-song heard at dusk continued but now the baying of animals joined the cacophony. I quickly returned to my lobby chair as I tried to wait out the night. A distinct dragon’s face, formed from condensation on a nearby lobby window pane, intently stared in knowing malevolence.
Between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. I did phone Rev. Jordan and the volunteer. Joe noted that such assaults sometimes represent a brainwashing technique. The Enemy’s rationale is that through exhaustion the victim will accept these images/sights as real, material ones. Joe indicated that I should attend a religious service that evening, a Wednesday, in a Spirit-filled church. He obviously hoped the Holy Spirit would quickly end this horror for me.
Trying to maintain my strength, I had a hearty breakfast. Joe and the volunteer telephoned to say that a Pentecostal service was available that evening. It could not have come sooner. As I prepared to take a bath later that afternoon, I noted the water seemed a sparkling shade of a very light blue, in itself unusual. To my horror I first noticed a line, then the definite form of a stylized serpent in unmistakable imitation of a sculptural design ornamenting the monuments of a certain ancient culture. I recognized but would prefer not to note the name of that ancient culture. At that manifestation, I left the bathroom, hearing sounds, and noting on the rug by the bath two or three small orange, claw-like prints and what appeared to be a letter in an unknown script.
I quickly dressed and left the room. I phoned the volunteer from the lobby to ask her to pick me up for the service inside the hotel by the main entrance. Again the assistant was driving a great distance. May I add at this point that even dining I was harassed. A small, insect-like creature, with an almost humanoid form, would intermittently buzz around me, particularly while dining and, of course, unobserved by anyone. Also (and not due to the hotel cleaning staff), I had noticed a constant film of dirt about my face, clothing and personal effects.
At the service I prayed with a mixture of tremendous happiness that God really existed and intense supplication that my present ordeal be ended. The service resonated with the members’ joy in the certain knowledge of the Creator’s Kingdom. At the conclusion, I approached the minister to request intercessory prayer. His prayers for deliverance were heard. The minister with great force commanded the demonic force to cease their oppression and harassment. At that time, the reverend spoke a specific Word for me from the Father. That relayed statement of support will remain with me forever.
This week my faithful friend and volunteer accompanied me to my Water Baptism.
So recently, in the midst of oppression, I listened to her words with such frantic hope. With complete conviction, she would insist that in the name of and by the authority of Jesus, demons could be rebuked. I am a witness that under Jesus’ authority they can be. If you presently are a victim, know that you can take action to end the horror.
The Testimony of Marie II
You have my permission to use my written testimony on your website. Please only refer to me as Marie.
This is my story:
My first experience began when I was staying in a motel with my husband and 2 sons. It was one of those creepy motels you would see in a scary movie. We were all having a conversation and I felt tired so I fell asleep. I dreamed as if I continued the conversation with them and had never fallen asleep to begin with. I felt an uneasy feeling and went to sleep (in my dream). I then looked up and into the open doorway of the bathroom and was scared, waiting for some figure to appear in the doorway, but nothing appeared. I laid back down and pulled the covers up to my head and immediately felt the weight of something hovering over me. I was terrified and couldn’t will myself to see what it was, so I tried to call to my husband, but no words came out and I was completely paralyzed. I said, “Baby” three times and then screamed it, but nothing came out! Finally, in my head I said, “God, unlock my tongue.” and this time when I said “baby” it actually came out. My husband asked me what was wrong and I told him I had been calling for him. He said that I was sleeping and I hadn’t said anything at all during my “nap”.
Another time I had a dream that Satan himself was attacking me and trying to hurt me. He was all green (like a pale green) and had very long and skinny arms and legs. I could not see his face because he was wearing some sort of robe or cloth. I kept saying over and over “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” and he would disappear and then reappear. He just kept coming after me trying to get closer, and I kept rebuking him until I woke up.
As I began to read the Bible more, I started to become more spiritually attacked. In fact, nearly every night (and this is still ongoing) I hear footsteps up and down the hallway. Sometimes the footsteps are regular paced, and sometimes they’re running up the hallway towards our room. It happens at all hours of the day, but most of the activity is at night. I’ve started to have dreams about our hallway. The first dream I had I was walking down the hallway and there was a green alien in my kitchen. It was a light color green and had the alien face, but the body had long, skinny arms and legs. It had a twinkle (or flash of light) coming out of it’s eyes. It started to do a seductive walk towards me, but I woke up before anything could happen.
The last dream I had is probably the worst. After reading this website I started to say “may the lord Jesus Christ rebuke you” to any bad spirits in/around my house. Well, I had another dream about going down my hallway to confront whatever was making the sounds of the footsteps. In the dream, I was seeing out of my own eyes, but I was much taller (almost to the ceiling and sort of looking down). The lights were on, but there was no VISIBLE entity that I could see. I could still feel something there (and I was scared to confront it), so I said, “Be gone in the name of—” and I could not say Jesus. Whatever it was had blocked my speech before I could say the name of Jesus. I woke up terrified and said “Jesus” over and over again.
When I hear the footsteps I start to pray and ask in the name of Jesus for it to stop. The last 2 nights it’s stopped right after I’ve prayed and I’ve been able to sleep peacefully. I hope my story can encourage other people going through the same ordeal.
Hi Joe
I have just watched one of your presentations and feel the need to contact you and provide you with my testimony regarding Sleep Paralysis.
You have my permission to do with this information what you wish and I hope it may benefit someone in the long run.
I hail from Melbourne, Australia I am 48 years old and have had a history of what you may call strange visitations at night since as a young child.
I do not now and have not ever belonged to any religious group although I have always had leanings to Christianity and like some of the ideas
behind Buddhist teachings, cause and effect and the role karma play’s in that.
My earliest memory of childhood was having a imaginary friend who I remember looking different to us and my memory is that it used to hover over me.
I had an accident when I fell down the back steps at home and suffered a hairline fracture of the skull at about 31/2 years old.
That day was important in many ways as according to my parents, from that point on I began to suffer night terrors and was extremely afraid of the dark
and had to sleep with a light on, this fear of the dark lasted right into my twenties and only in my late twenties did I begin to sleep with the light out.
As far as my memories serve I was in my early teens when I began to experience vibrations in my legs as I drift off to sleep and a sense of falling that
sometimes woke me and other times I would go back to sleep. I sometimes in the night heard horses clip clopping yet I lived in the suburbs and no one else
heard what I heard. I would also have these strange night terrors where I would feel nauseas and all I could see is this grey ooze, it generally would wake
me from my sleep and naturally I would be panicking and seek comfort from my parents.
For some reason around 1990 the sleep paralysis got worse, I was having nightly visitations and after working all day I would struggle to keep my eyes open
after getting home, I had one encounter where I fell asleep watching TV and the rest of the family had gone out to dinner I was awoken with a start and
on TV was a strange face staring back at me and behind him was a empty grave, this being began to choke itself in front of me. I thought it was TV and tried
to change the station but it was on every station. I began to panic and thought I had actually died. I started to pray to God and apologize for anything I may
have done wrong and gradually I got my senses back and looked at the TV and it wasn’t even turned on.
The sleep paralysis continued and my younger sister who was about 23 and was a closet wiccan (young girls in 1990 LOL) thought she could stop the sleep
paralysis by asking it to leave me alone and come to her instead. She would never do that again as that is exactly what happened and I got a good night sleep.
She told me how she couldn’t move or talk and felt a pressure on top of her with a terrible smell in its breath.
This is what I endured most nights, years later I would read about the old hag syndrome or incubus/succubus but it wasn’t always like that. Other times it
would be a strange little white being with red eyes and a bloody mouth sometimes it was a rotting corpse either way I am sure I was being attacked by demons.
In my mid to late twenties my mother decided to contact her cousin who was a catholic nun, within weeks these attacks stopped and didn’t begin until in my mid
thirties after my mothers cousin had passed away.
I had begun working night shift and was having these strange attacks during the day from time to time, I would get a sign of what was to come I would hear
a horn like sound in my left ear and I would struggle to stay awake, try as I might I would fall asleep and experience the leg vibrations, the feel of falling and
then there it was pressure on my chest, paralysis and the feel of something in the room with me.
It was around this time I began to meditate and found that asking the angels and God for guidance and protection these incidents became few and far between.
In about 2005 I had a slight breakdown, I couldn’t bring myself to go into work on night shift and started crying uncontrollably, I drove out of the car-park and drove
about 150 km’s. Where I stopped and rang my wife and told what had happened, she said come home and we went and saw a doctor the next day.
I was diagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants Efexor XR, I wasn’t allowed to work for six months and began seeing a Psychologist.
I began meditating a gain and combined with the meds started having some very strange insights and much lucid dreaming.
In one of the dreams I met the white creature with the red eyes and mouth and asked it what it wanted, it said it’s name was Pookah and upon research I found it
to exist in Irish folklore, I actually beat it up in a dream and it hasn’t been back since.
During these meditations I actually contacted my higher self who calls himself Ezekiel, but not the one from the bible just happens to share the same name.
This higher self during meditations told me to pray to God and ask for protection whenever sleep paralysis would ensue and it has worked.
He also said that he lost contact with me when I had the concussion when I was young and only with the help of the medication and meditation was he able to get
back in touch.
He has told me that organized religion is wrong and being controlled by evil forces but the ten commandments are true and to have faith in Jesus but not necessarily
organized religion which has been corrupted for a very long time.
Also the bible is in essence many stories put together, not necessarily the true word of God.
Many of the stories left out have as much relevance, and that the body of work as a whole is mightier than the bible itself.
Everything my higher self has told me has worked in my favor in more ways than I choose to go into now.
He has also told me that the Aliens and the demons that have plagued me are one and the same and use the persons fear against them.
They are parasitical and drain the victim of life force or energy.
This explains why I never had much energy after an attack.
I agree it is interesting that they are fearful of God, I think there is more to the biblical teachings than meets the eye.
Possible they are fallen angels and prey upon humanity, it just happens that Alien attacks are the modern version of the old hag syndrome.
Two years ago I had a dream where I was taken into a spaceship and was put on a metal table. Again I couldn’t’t move or speak and the grey implanted something
into my left foot.
For months I felt there was something in my foot, at times it caused pain, other times it was just uncomfortable. About four months after the dream I had another
dream where a human looking alien had landed his ship and walked towards me.
I remember this being had a brown beard and appeared Caucasian but his face seemed to be scarred by acne or something.
He said there is nothing to fear and I must admit I was panicking, he fired a beam at me and all around me seemed to be like a small tornado and I could feel tears coming
out of my eyes, this all stopped and said now you are fine.
I don’t remember much more only to wake up and for the first time in many months my foot felt fine, no discomfort and no pain.
I still have many lucid dreams and many dreams where I myself am actually flying without any mechanical help. What that means I am not sure.
I will just finish with a dream of two nights ago.
I am in the street and looking up and see a black pyramid shaped craft hovering, it has an almost marble texture it and the marbling is light and seems to be moved all
I wave at it and it begins to move away but at the same time I am being lifted towards it. I am then immersed in what I would call a beautiful golden light and i feel absolute
joy at this and amazement at what I am seeing.
I then find myself in the craft and see many other dumbfounded people all asking the same thing what are we doing here.
At that point a middle aged man walks up towards us and says welcome and tell’s us to be calm and that everything is OK.
He then begins to tell us that we have been deceived by the government of this world and that he is offering us a chance to have our spiritual DNA repaired as it has been
changed in such a way that we can never leave the reincarnation process and that we cannot remember passed lives and experience because of this. He went on to say that
we have been unfairly imprisoned and that they were there to help.
He said that with the dna adjusted you will remember past lives and live until at least 1000 years old.
In order to do this we must be willing to leave our loved ones behind, at that point I looked down a corridor to the left and could see soldiers marching. these soldiers were dressed
like roman centurions from the movies only all in black. He noticed that I had seen this and told me not to look as I was not ready for this yet.
I was then asked what I wanted to do and I said I have a young family and they need my support; I then woke up. Would I have woken up if I agreed?
Vivid dream yes, also very weird. Something strange is a foot and I do believe these aliens are mostly demonic by nature and that there is a war going on for our souls and they
are doing anything they can to get them. It seems their favorite mode is while we sleep through our dreams.
I hope some of this is interesting to you and that it can in some way help others.
For me the Journey is far more important than the destination, it’s more important how you choose to get there than how far you may go.
The Testimony of Matt
Dear Joe Jordan…
I have come across your work through some of L.A. Marzulli, Chuck Missler and Thomas Horn’s material. I would like to share with you my personal testimony of an experience I had when I was 17 years old, (I am now 36) before I begin reading the testimonies on your website to find similarities. I would also like to thank you for the work that you have done in this area because the UFO/Alien phenomenon was a big hinderance to my personal relationship with Jesus and His Word when I was younger. There was just not enough information that told the “Whole story”.
I was a Junior in High School and my bedroom was on the second floor of our home in Toledo, Ohio. I had been interested in UFO related material and occultic activity but participated reluctantly. I had tried Astral Projection (according to the Time/Life series of books) with no success except for a strange feeling which caused me to give it up. I had used Ouija boards with an attitude that if there were spirits… they couldn’t touch me and had a very strange experience years before. (Which I attribute to the following testimony) My family had a menial Christian faith but not really walking with God or really believing it. Luckily my grandmother had always talked about Jesus as if she knew Him personally and had a great influence on me later.
I had gone to bed around 10:00 on a weekday night and was 10 minutes into sleeping when my sister turned the hall light on and woke me up. I am an extremely light sleeper so I got out of bed and slammed my bedroom door shut so that I could sleep. About 20 minutes after falling asleep, I felt a presence enter the room and what appeared to be a shadow move towards me… I screamed and pulled the covers over my head. My heart was pounding and I was telling myself that I must have been dreaming. It was only a dream. I tried to rationalize so I could calm down and about 5 minutes of heart pounding and breathing, I felt something sit, or jump onto my bed. I had a water bed back in the 90’s and I KNEW that I was awake at this point. It felt fairly heavy and it began to pant… the most wicked thing I’ve ever heard! I was so scared that I said out loud, “In the name of Jesus, Get OUT of here!” Whatever it was became totally silent and I didn’t know if it was waiting for me to do something… I didn’t feel it move or leave. After 20 minutes of cowering under the covers, I slowly reached my hand out and turned the light on above my head. I looked and there was nothing there. I scowered the room and looked in every closet and hiding place to see if my dog or cat was in the room but the door was closed that there was nothing there. I went down stairs and the dog was sitting next to my dad watching TV. I asked him if he heard me scream and he said no… He was oblivious.
Years later I became a Christian and really understood what it was to be a disciple of Jesus, I began to understand the significance of what took place in my room in 1994. The name of Jesus had stopped something from taking place and I thank God that it was HIS name I relied upon and not my own belief, not knowing at the time how powerful HIS name really is.
I don’t know what came into my room but I do know that the name of Jesus stopped it from going any further. If you find this story of any relevance, you have my permission to use this to help somebody else. Thank you once again for your research and God bless
I’m a 31 year old male currently living in Canada. I originally grew up in Romania and moved here when I was 11. I've had a few paranormal encounters as a child that I'll briefly go over. I guess I've always been prone to experiencing this kind of stuff.
Childhood experiences:
When I was around 4 years old my family had some people over and there was a David Copperfield show on TV. I remember that there was a TV card trick (interactive) session where the viewers would place their hand on the TV when asked to participate. There was a warning for children not to participate but I did anyway because I was curious. Something unseen slapped my entire hand away. I was extremely surprised and scared, so I tried again with the same result. It was a hard slap to the back of my hand that moved it from its location on the screen. I realize a lot of those tricks have been explained away but I still can't explain it. It's my first supernatural experience I remember, and it's clear as day.
At around 5, my parents rented this villa in the mountains for the weekend, with another family. They also had a kid who they brought along, who was a year or two older than me. I didn't know him well but we ended up playing around. Around noon, he asks me if I want to meet his other friend. Knowing there was no one else there and he was probably joking, I accepted. The house had this detached half buried portion with a small wood door and walls painted with black tar. I assume it was to keep moisture out. It was cold storage for food and it had to be kept away from the rest of the house due to a bear problem in the area. Romania has the highest concentration of brown bears in the world, and they would roam everywhere at night. He led me to this door and told me his friend was inside. I stepped into the middle of the room, with the only light being daylight from the door and him behind me. I instantly felt something was off and I was paralyzed by fear. What happened next still creeps me out. A very powerful voice started sweeping around us in the room, neither male nor female. It was deep and speaking in a language I can't identify. The walls of this room became fluid and the tar started to run down. I looked at this kid shocked because I thought he was playing a prank, but he had an evil grin on his face and he was laughing as this entity/presence shifted around. I couldn't see it, just feel it and hear it speak. The door started to close behind us by itself and my legs were paralyzed by fear. I couldn't run, no matter how hard I tried. Suddenly I snapped out of it and ran out past him. My parents still remember how scared I was that day, I would not let go of my mom's leg for the rest of that day. Many years later I found that the kid's parents had huge problems with him speaking to "imaginary friends". I was told his mother was into speaking with the dead, and I've seen him cut another kid open with a piece of glass a little later. Very questionable behavior for a child, to say the least. I avoided him after that, but he wasn't in my circle of friends anyway.
Fast forward to when I was around 15, in Canada. I've had the occasional sleep paralysis episode paired by an intense feeling of fear, but this time it was different. Around this same time I was drawing demons and fascinated with movies like "The Exorcist" but that night was unlike anything I've had before or since. It reminds me of abduction stories I've read - or at least the start of them. I was sleeping on my back and I opened my eyes while being paralyzed. Room was dark but there was just enough light to make out the outline of things. I was not alone. There was a presence in the room that I could not see. I heard a very powerful voice moving about the room, laughing. I started levitating off the bed, and while suspended in the air I felt like I was being slapped while being taunted for its enjoyment. It would bring me up near the ceiling and violently slam me back into my bed. This lasted for a minute or so. I felt powerless and I didn't believe in God at the time but I kept trying to speak out and asked Christ for help in my head. Eventually I "woke up", but it didn't feel like waking. It just felt like it was gone and I could move my body. Needless to say, I didn't sleep after that.
My journey for knowledge:
Since these 3 experiences happened in childhood and some of them feel more like remembering dreams instead of memories, I've included them because I find them interesting. That said, I can't say for sure what they were. I still had doubts about the paranormal even after this and I was an atheist until recently. When I hit 28, I had burning questions about reality and just what all this is. I decided to do what any normal person would at this point (haha) - use psychedelics and attempt to find out. I have a good career, I'm responsible and addiction free. Honestly, I won't class psychedelics as drugs and think of them as tools. They scared the hell out of me back then and they scare the hell out of me to this day. Definitely not something to play with. When I started on this 2 year journey, my main interest was to find out how our minds work. I didn't bring any beliefs into it, I didn't buy any of the new age stuff, I didn't believe in a higher power. It was all a big science experiment and I was going to be the lab rat. All my trips were to be done alone. I started with low doses and eventually increased from there. Every time I wanted to find an excuse not to, because of intense fear and anxiety. I didn't find any of it fun. In fact it would take me a month or two between experiences just so I could get my courage up again. I wasn't about to let fear get the best of me though and I saw it as a challenge. Again, totally something a normal person would do! Ok, maybe not. I was eventually able to sort of navigate these altered states as I attempted to be the observer.
I'd mainly use LSD, mushrooms, ketamine and nitrous - often combined. I'd have thoughts that didn't feel like my own, and saw a lot of occult looking symbols. I always had this feeling I couldn't shake, that I was playing with something I shouldn't but I pushed through. I found out some very interesting things. The compounds used don't seem to matter as much and in giant doses they all seem to lead to the same place mentally. At lower doses mental ability is impared, but as you increase and go through a breakthrough your internal voice becomes crystal clear. A breakthrough is when you're completely disconnected from your body and the experience takes over all your senses. It's also always accompanied by this feeling of "coming back" into your body when it's over and it's one step above what people call "ego death" (where you lose your sense of self/ego). It's almost as if the brain acts as a receptor, like a radio. It gets a signal from your consciousness but it's distorted by external factors. Once you separate your consciousness from the body, it's no longer tied down. I have a theory that this could also include mental illness. Terminal lucidity is a well documented medical phenomenon where people with impaired mental functions become lucid in the moments right before their death. Almost like there's a separation between the soul and body in progress and they can once again think clearly. This is what makes these experiences so scary. You'd be out of body and sometimes memories would be gone, but your ability to reason and your internal dialogue is intact. You can be trapped outside of time for what seems like eternity (for all intents and purposes, you DO experience being trapped there for eternity - it's real in the moment). I also think it's a simulated death - simulated only in the way that it's not final and you come back. I've also noticed a ton of similarities between NDE reports and high dose psychedelics. Do psychedelics, die for fun! I'm only joking, I'm still surprised I was able to get my courage up and push through again. I still have no idea how, as I'm not the bravest person. We'll call it stubbornness.
In the middle of my psychedelic journey I also had a ghost encounter. I went to a small town lake with some friends and we all decided to go to an abandoned graveyard in the middle of nowhere once the sun set. I wasn't expecting anything and I'm not afraid of the dark, so I went off by myself to explore away from the bright flashlights. We saw nothing so we got back to the vehicle. 4 people went inside the cab of the truck and 3 of us jumped into the bed of the truck. The cemetery had a small fence around the area and it was maybe 50x100 yards in size, with a large iron gate able to swing open to let a vehicle in. There was a chain going around the end of the gate tied to a post with wire twisted once or twice holding the links together. We put it back the way we found it and started the truck. I heard one of the links slide down so I said half jokingly that there's something there. The engine was turned off so we could hear and we waited. There was no wind and the air was so thick you could slice it with a knife. The chain slid down again, 3 or 4 links made noise like they were being pulled through. We put flashlights on the gate and at this point it started to shake VIOLENTLY. It was like someone invisible had both their hands on it shaking it back and forth. We could see everything as we were 10 yards away, there were no animals or anything there. After all, we had just passed through. This gate probably weighed 70 pounds and it was shaking like it was coming apart and we sped off at this point. There is no reasonable explanation for what we saw, outside of the supernatural. I'm glad I wasn't the only one there because I'd have questioned my sanity given all my previous encounters. We were all sober as well. I believe demonic entities tried to deceive me and get me to believe in the occult, knowing how curious my nature is. My friends have been there countless times since and the only time something happened was when I was there. It was almost like a prelude to the next part.
At this point I have seen a lot of weird mental imagery on drugs, but nothing I'd outright call a paranormal encounter. There was always that feeling of a bad "presence" around me, observing me. I decided that I wanted to learn more, so DMT was the next logical step. I'm not sure how familiar you are with these compounds, but it's considered to be one of the most powerful psychedelics (along with 5MeO DMT, Salvia, Ayahuasca - also containing DMT, etc). Instant out of body experiences, almost guaranteed entity encounters, very short 5-15 minute duration. Perfect for my needs. I ordered the root bark online and extracted the compound very easily. I tested an extremely low dose and WOW - it was stronger than anything else I experienced. It scared me to the point of feeling sick and shaking with anxiety at the idea of doing more. I sat on it for 6 months before I decided to take the plunge. What followed was... well.... I'll just paste what I wrote on Reddit immediately following the experience (excuse the language):
I have smoked lower doses a few times in the past and once I thought I broke through but no. I was so wrong. I got brave last night and loaded probably 30-40mg into my vape and took one big hit. I held it in as long as I could and the second I exhaled, I knew deep inside I fucked up. It was the thickest cloud of white smoke I have seen. My reality melted around me and was instantly transported somewhere else. This time the world was very bright and vivid. I forgot that I ever took a drug. It was way more real than real. I know that's thrown around a lot but I didn't believe it until I experienced it. In all the insanity and intensity I noticed there are other entities there with me. I did not like this one bit, especially since I saw a 2D ape sort of thing with many eyes all over (late edit: it looked more like a red depiction of a Hindu demon, disregard the ape description) jump in front of me and raise its arms like it was casting some spell. I could feel my entire mind and soul being ripped from myself when it did that and I was absolutely terrified. The attacks ramped up and I'm not sure if I blacked out for a bit during. At some point in this experience the entire environment turned dark and a very machine like pyramid noticed me. It felt like I ended up in its realm and I was not welcome there. I could feel that it was very angry with me. In a split second it rushed at me and got right in my face, trying to hypnotize me and again fxxk with my mind. By this point I was freaking out. I think I was yelling but I'm not sure if I hallucinated that. I tried opening my eyes and I think I actually did, but it made no difference. The hallucinations were the same eyes open or closed. I managed to say "help me Jesus" a few times and eventually it zapped the middle of my forehead with a very intense white laser that it had close to the top of its form. That threw me out of its realm and I was slowly starting to come back into my body. It felt like 20 minutes passed before I noticed that I had hands, was human, took a drug, and finally calmed down. I could remember the word "DMT" but I had zero idea what it meant until I started to see my fingers appear.
So what the FXXK did I just experience? How is this sxxt even possible? That is by far the most intense and scary experience of my entire life. Was it a hyperslap? Both entities felt hostile towards me and while the first just enjoyed messing with me, the second was pissed that I intruded into its realm. The lower dose trips were very warm and comforting and nothing like this at all. I am absolutely going to jump back in at some point but I can't comprehend what I experienced. It literally felt like these entities were jumping into my mind and trying to possess me/rape my soul. It felt wrong and evil.
Edit: thanks for the awards!
Edit 2 (Apr 25, 2021): if anyone reads this thread in the future, I should probably tell you what happened after the trip. I started having crazy synchronicities, things happening in my life against all odds, whispers as I'm falling asleep, seeing shadows move around the house (ghost type activity), feeling a presence around me, fun stuff like that. Some major signs from the universe that I need to stop what I'm doing. I have since ended all my psychedelic experiments. I am now convinced these entities are absolutely demonic in nature and are deceptive beyond words. The strange activity stopped after I started praying and my life has been good ever since. I opened a portal by doing what I did. Since then I met a person that had the exact same experience with the exact same entity. He even hit a bird with his car the day after breaking through, just like I did. The coincidences were too great to disregard. Let this be a warning to anyone who is planning on using DMT. I'm stubborn so it wouldn't have stopped me if I read something like this, but maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes. There is real evil out there in dimensions that exist alongside ours. The only way to defeat it is through Jesus Christ!
As you can see, these entities could not handle the name of Christ. That's what caused them to attack and kick me out of the experience. I think this experience was a full-on demonic possession. It took me a month to think everything over and to decide I'm putting an end to my experiments. It was an encounter with the Holy Spirit. I had this mental clarity about all the events that led to this point, how I was deceived by demonic entities to bring me exactly where they wanted. I had this urge I couldn't shake off to get rid of all drugs and drug related items in my house. Two days where I became so restless I couldn't sit down until I did what had to be done. The revealed clarity about events and this urge to throw everything out was supernatural in nature, not something that came from me. It was guiding me but also very stern, it was clear that if I continued down this path something very bad was about to happen. It felt like the next step in the wrong direction would result in me selling my soul. I want to make it clear that it was not fear that stopped me, I could have gotten past that. It was a point where the calculated risk of continuing outweighed any possible benefit. I threw out thousands of dollars in psychedelics and research chemicals. I had a collection that would put Fear and Loathing to shame; every major compound and questionable derivative (of which some I didn't get to try). I decided I've seen enough and I'm giving my life to Christ. This was at the start of this year and the best decision I ever made. My mental health is good, I sleep great, I have no issues. I thought I'd be a perfect candidate for PTSD and being messed up but God protected me!
Closing thoughts:
I reached out to you because I've noticed so many similarities between interactions with entities in hyperspace, NDEs, ghosts and abduction encounters. They ALL have the same thing in common - they can't stand the mention of Christ. I clearly opened doors and I'm very thankful that I managed to close them thanks to God's mercy. I am a curator of information like you and I've read thousands of trip reports, paranormal encounters, etc. My goal at the start of all this insanity was to figure out the nature of reality and I think I was successful. I have no regrets, there was no other way to convince myself. The more I read and the more I learn, the more I realize that God is truth. This includes my interests in ancient civilization and ancient high technology. Brien Foerster, Uncharted X on Youtube are great resources if you're not familiar. They show the evidence of a very advanced pre-cataclysm global civilization that's denied by mainstream academia. I think the evidence speaks for itself and it's impossible to explain it any other way. Perfect stone work and structures that were definitely not built with simple tools. That's another rabbit hole and confirms what the Bible says. Everything fits together.
I hope I broke this down in a way that's easy to read and I'm very excited to hear back from you! Cheers,
I heard voices outside of my window...like a party or something. It became louder. I remember being annoyed and how rude they were. The next thing I knew....suddenly I became paralyzed....physically and with the most incredible fear that I've ever felt.....I knew instantly that it was evil. I struggled hard to open my eyes. I saw in front of me, a huge black figure..hooded...and all I saw was his eyes. He had his hand around my throat and he was speaking Latin. I couldn't speak or scream. It felt like something was holding my mouth. I struggled and struggled again to be able to speak....I tried to say the "Hail Mary"..it was all I knew.....it wouldn't leave.......finally, after what felt like 30 minutes or so..it did..and I tore out of my apt...across the street, half dressed and called my mother. From that day on, they thought I was crazy. I was not credible for years with my family after that. I was always being referred to psychiatrists, etc.....For years...this thing came to me.....I could give more detail another time. But after I became saved.....how I dealt with this demon changed too....I began to say the name of Jesus and it would leave......another time.....very, very strange....my husband had the same encounter, exactly when I did...he wasn't saved and didn't understand...but it terrified him.....as it happened to us both, out son, who was 2 years old at the time, screamed at the same time...it was then I realized for myself that I wasn't crazy...if it happened to them too. Finally...in 2006.....the presence came back as usual....I was so used to this by now, that I could tell long before it manifested that it was about to happen....I felt my bed start to lift off the floor...and I said..."Oh no you don't....the blood of Jesus Christ".....it left..poof and never returned.....my opinion is the name of Jesus would make it leave...but when I said the blood of Jesus Christ....it never returned....theologically I know that it is the blood that Christ shed for us, that defeated Satan.....I know how terrifying this is when it happens....but remember...the devil is even more terrified of Jesus Christ....as a Christian, you have the authority to use that name. I'm writing to you I guess. to give you some confirmation and to validate you....I know these people think they are aliens because they look like greys....but what they say happens to them is the same exact thing that happened to me...except the Lord let me see it for what it really was......at times this demon would pull me up and slam me to the floor.....etc. The blood of Jesus Christ...his name is the only thing these demons will listen to. These are not aliens....it is not psychological..they are demons.....sometimes demons disguise themselves as "angels of light"....other times you can see them for what they are.......God bless you. M.R.
I saw one of your you tube videos and wanted to share an experience I had back in 2002. At the time I was 27 years old and wasn't a religious person although I was saved as a young child and did believe in Jesus. In 2002 I lived alone in a small apartment and one night I had what I thought was a dream of shadow like figures standing around my bed. I was startled but at 2nd glance nothing was there so I called it a dream and went back to bed with no further issues that night. The following night I was laying in bed dozing off when all at once my legs were pulled straight and my entire body was pinned to the bed except my head. I strained as hard as I could to move my arms but they wouldn't budge. I was a 6'3" 240lb athletic guy and I was scared to death. I said the Lords prayer out loud and nothing happened, so I screamed, "In the name of Jesus let me go". Immediately what ever had me, let me go. I jumped up and cut all the lights on and found my bible and started reading. Im not sure how these demons were going to present themselves to me "as demons or aliens" but thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they didn't get the opportunity! I have been walking with the Lord ever since and haven't had any experiences like that since. T.R.
There were many UFO sightings while I was in high school. When we were teenagers, my future husband and I actually saw a UFO ourselves from my back porch, so even though I wasn't saved, I sort of asked God to tell me about UFOs. Specifically, I wanted to know what was inside one. That night I had a dream that a UFO landed in the alley behind my house, under the street LIGHT. I got up and went DOWNSTAIRS to see it more closely. When I was standing in front of it, a door opened and I went inside to find that it was completely empty, just a hollow metal shell. Then I woke up. I always took this to mean that UFOs were a sham, not real in the sense that everyone thinks they are.
The second experience was when I was almost nine months pregnant with my first child. One night, after I had just gone to bed, I found myself paralyzed, unable to even speak or open my eyes as I laid on my back. Then I heard what sounded like a million bees buzzing, coming closer and closer. Having been into all kinds of weird stuff, from my reading I knew that this was a standard happening prior to being "abducted" and I broke out into a sweat from panic. I still wasn't saved at this point in my life, but I started repeating the 23rd Psalm in my mind because they were the only verses I knew from the Bible. (When we'd had elementary school assemblies, it was the Scripture that was read to us, which is how I had learned it.) Anyway, when I came to the very last word, "forever", the buzzing, which was almost on top of me, immediately ceased and I was able to move again.
The third experience was two years ago. I was walking around my neighborhood in the middle of the day and when I came to the one area where there weren't any houses, that buzzing started again, directly over my head, very loud and coming closer and closer. I was surprised at their boldness in trying to come for me as a Christian and in broad daylight this time, but I didn't even bother to look up. Instead, I immediately began singing songs of praise to the Lord. Whatever it was over my head stopped descending, hesitated briefly, and then rushed away. Hallelujah! So when I read that the research showed calling on the Name of Jesus stopped abductions, I knew how true it was. D.H.
I had gone to bed around 10:00 on a weekday night and was 10 minutes into sleeping when my sister turned the hall light on and woke me up. I am an extremely light sleeper so I got out of bed and slammed my bedroom door shut so that I could sleep. About 20 minutes after falling asleep, I felt a presence enter the room and what appeared to be a shadow move towards me... I screamed and pulled the covers over my head. My heart was pounding and I was telling myself that I must have been dreaming. It was only a dream. I tried to rationalize so I could calm down and about 5 minutes of heart pounding and breathing, I felt something sit, or jump onto my bed. I had a water bed back in the 90's and I KNEW that I was awake at this point. It felt fairly heavy and it began to pant... the most wicked thing I've ever heard! I was so scared that I said out loud, "In the name of Jesus, Get OUT of here!" Whatever it was became totally silent and I didn't know if it was waiting for me to do something... I didn't feel it move or leave. After 20 minutes of cowering under the covers, I slowly reached my hand out and turned the light on above my head. I looked and there was nothing there. I cowered the room and looked in every closet and hiding place to see if my dog or cat was in the room but the door was closed that there was nothing there. I went down stairs and the dog was sitting next to my dad watching TV. I asked him if he heard me scream and he said no... He was oblivious.
Years later I became a Christian and really understood what it was to be a disciple of Jesus, I began to understand the significance of what took place in my room in 1994. The name of Jesus had stopped something from taking place and I thank God that it was HIS name I relied upon and not my own belief, not knowing at the time how powerful HIS name really is.
I don't know what came into my room but I do know that the name of Jesus stopped it from going any further. M.
“Strange Encounters with Another World”
Testimony of Kathy Land by Andy Butcher
for Charisma Magazine, April 2001
The pieces started to fit together the night they dropped her. For years Cathy Land had been by the sense that something wasn’t quite right. There were periods of unaccounted missing time, mornings when she felt heavy and lethargic despite a full night’s sleep, an unsettling sense of somehow having been visited.
Then she woke up with an alien’s face inches from hers.
“He had dropped me. I could feel his breath on my face. It startled him that I woke up. He had this confused- ‘That’s not supposed to happen’- look on his face. The second one still had hold of my legs. I rolled over into a fetal position and went right back to sleep.”
In the morning she told her son what had happened. Usually the family dismissed her recollections as a joke. This time he told her: “Those were not aliens; those were demons.”
“It finally made sense,” she recalls.
Her son’s comment propelled her to the Internet, where she found some Christians who didn’t dismiss her experiences as nonsense. Her faith was enriched and deepened by as she discovered that God’s power could free her from her years of torment.
“I stopped being so scared, and I got mad,” she says. “I finally understood. These things were trying to get the world’s attention away from God, and how better to do that than make people think they are being invaded from outer space? These are not benevolent little E.T.’s come to clean up the environment, fix the hole in the ozone layer. They are not from a distant galaxy. They are raping women, they are murdering animals, they are terrifying children.”
An office manager for a medical supply company, and one-time stock-car racer and singer-musician, Land began to read all she could to learn more about what she had trouble learning for so long. She had been fascinated by UFOs since early childhood, one time reporting a seashore sighting to the police.
“Many times I would have a strange feeling just before going to bed,” she says, by adding that precise memories were hazy when she awoke. “I would feel like something had happened during the night- but nothing I could put my finger on.”
One time her son told her of a frightening encounter he’d had with “a tall man.” She admits that his account had scared her.
But she continued to devour books and TV shows on alien phenomena. She told family members about her experiences and talked about UFOs with friends, though most laughed her off.
“Sometimes it made me feel like I was losing my mind. Maybe I did dream this all up. But there were too many things over and over and over again,” she says.
As she read all the Christian material she could find on the subject after her spiritual awakening, she began to see how she had been so deceived for so long. “Everything started to make sense,” she says, “I realized that everything I had read had probably been happening to me all along, and it scared me. Then it made me mad. How dare they mess with me and my children?!”
Land’s anger over the years her life was “held” spurred her to tell her story to other’s caught in the UFO mesh.
“This is war. It’s the most ingenious hoax there is. It’s a plan to get the world’s attention away from the gospel of Christ, and it’s working.”
She says many exploring the UFO world are, as she was, “searching for love.”
“That’s what they are looking for, really, in their beliefs about aliens. But there’s only one place they will find unconditional love, and they’re looking in the wrong place.”
An active part of her local Baptist church in Jacksonville, Florida, Land says that she now has a peace she never knew before. “I didn’t know it for years,” she says. “It was a miserable existence from day to day. Nobody should be victimized like that. If I can save only one person from being harmed, then I have to do this for God. It’s my offering to Him.
“It’s not the mission field I would choose for myself, she adds. “I would rather be feeding hungry people in India because people wouldn’t laugh at me. [But] who else is going to go and tell them, ‘You all are being deceived?'”
For decades I was conflicted like maybe some of your are reading this right now. Sometimes I would think aliens existed.
Other times I thought they did not. Overall though, I must say, I did believe they existed. There were too many credible witnesses to ufos, some decent footage etc. This past summer I finally decided once andfor all to find out if they are real or not. I feared being abducted at night. I decided to make it my mission to find out the truth, whether I liked it or not. Once and for all. Going so far as, if it proved to be real and the bible was not…so be it. At this time I was starting to think some of the stories in the bible were children’s stories anyway. How could Noah get all those animals to fit in the Ark?! I figured a good starting point was to find real footage. I thought that if these aliens really existed, then somebody must have caught them on tape. I searched for weeks. Most of it was fake footage. Then I found some interesting footage. It looked real. I watched it for weeks. I was pretty convinced that the footage was authentic. Something strange started happening (this is where I’m going to start losing some people). Crows started appearing in my yard, even though I’ve never seen a crow in my yard before. I started to notice them
everywhere. My wife and I would go for walks, and the crows would almost seem to follow us around. I dismissed it for the most part. I had won a camcorder the previous december. I decided to see if I could capture the same footage that I thought was to be authentic on the internet. By the way, on this other persons footage the aliens looked like the grey aliens, with the black ‘almond’ eyes that is portrayed in pop culture these days. His footage was amazing. Ufos, hundreds of alien faces. It was really bizarre.
So I go out with my camcorder and start trying to replicate this guys footage. The first night was impressive, but I can certainly see why some would say it’s not. So don’t run away yet! I filmed alien faces in the clouds the first night. Very distinct. Hundreds appeared..along with some other faces. One face had what I would call an evil grin. Well you can film anything in clouds! Yes. That’s why it gets better from here because that was the only cloud footage. I continued filming from that night (in my backyard by the way). I filmed the ‘grey’ aliens during the day! Right in my backyard. Dozens’ of them. They also had the ability to transform (or morph) in the leaves of trees into this ‘giant alien head’. As I started filming more and more, the footage got better! They even got closer! I started posting my clips for all to see. I had some people tell me it was the most amazing footage that they’ve seen! I figured out the technique on how to film them, and my footage kept getting better and better. One night I was filming, I got some crystal clear footage of ‘grey’ alien faces around lights. There were three grey alien heads in the air around lights. Another large (I mean three times the size) grey alien head on the ground, with another one right in front of it! The
footage was so clear you could see the reflectiveness of their black eyes. One interesting detail, I could rarely ever see the entire body. Mostly just the classic grey alien head. Bizarre things began happening. I was getting a ‘sick’ feeling in my
head and ringing in my ears. I could sense when they were close, and I had the urge to film them. It was beyond a ‘sick’ feeling really. They were trying to get into my head. They were indeed trying to possess me. I was constantly fighting it off. Doors started slamming at night (it was worse at night in darkness). Drawers started moving! One night I thought I heard something run through my room quickly. The crows were around my property like never before. I mean, they would fly up right outside my window. One weekend my wife and I traveled about four hours to motel. I had told my wife about the crows. When we pulled the car up to the entrance, I said “look hun, look at the crows.” She said, “yeah”. Then she got out of the car and said,
“Oh my. I didn’t know all of them were right there blocking our entrance to the stairway.” She was shocked that there were about 5 crows there, blocking us. The crow thing is cliched, I know. But this really happened and I’m not going to omit it (Do I think crows are evil? No. But can they be controlled by evil. Yes. Absolutely.). The filing continued. One of the final clips I took was really
strange. What was seen in these clips really defied logic and what we know as reality. Anyway, one of my last clips was a ufo landed in my backyard with an alien figure in front of it. When I was looking for something to film that night, I didn’t see it at first. I figured out why. Because I couldn’t see it with my naked eye. I could only see it through the viewfinder of the camcorder. In fact, up until that point I never experienced it quite like this before. Let me explain, when I would film the alien faces they appeared frozen. Almost like they couldn’t move. With the alien in front of the ufo, it appeared to be moving. Let me just say, it takes guts or stupidity to film this in the first place, but this was terrifying. This time the alien looked like it was moving closer to me. I was probably about 80 feet away. I got up out of my chair and ran back into the house. I knew very early on what these were. And I can tell you for sure, this phenomenon Does exist. But once you know it exists, then what are these aliens? Are they from another planet or what? The truth is far more sinister. Are you ready for this? They are demons. God showed me what they really were. How? Did he speak to me? Well, no, not exactly. God spoke to me how he speaks to many. I’ve heard other people try to describe it, and the best they can say is a ‘knowing’. And that’s the best way that I can describe it too. A knowingness. No doubt whatsoever. Not a little doubt that they were really “aliens”. Not a speck of doubt. NO DOUBT. ZERO DOUBT. This is going on and these things are demons. Near the end, when you realize what you’re seeing is real, I started to come close to a nervous breakdown. It changed my life. I mean I ran to the Bible. I now know without a single doubt that the Bible is totally 100% true! And Yes, all of the animals did fit on Noah’s Ark! I knew immediately that everything in the Bible happened and will happen. I was doubting Jesus Christ before this, not fully but experiencing some doubt, and let me tell you I have never believed in Jesus Christ this much in my life now! Jesus is totally real. The conclusion of my true story. What finally drove me over the edge was hundreds of “alien” faces appeared on my laptop screen. This happened a couple of times before that, but this final time drove me over the edge. I broke down. I prayed and prayed. I slept with a light on in the room one night. I knew hell was real. I knew demons were real. And I knew satan is real. I met with a Pastor. I showed him my clips. He advised me to destroy them. I did. I erased every single one of them. They contained evil. I took his advice to spend my time on healthy Christian stuff than this garbage. And that’s all it is. The entire alien/ufo phenomenon is a lie, or ‘signs and wonders’ that will deceive even some of the elect. Praise Jesus, I was not deceived. That may not be the end of the deception either. satan has been working on this major deception for hundreds of years. More information came to me months later, after I was being attacked. By the way, speaking of being spiritually attacked. If you want more evidence they weren’t aliens…why did the attacks stop when I began calling out to Jesus! The attacks have been much less and not even close to their severity since I’ve made Jesus Lord and Savior in my life. That’s also why I think the so-called “aliens” appeared frozen in the footage. I think they didn’t dare come closer because the Holy Spirit was protecting me. So finally, more information came to me. I also think that there is a good possibility that the “alien” lie will be the explanation for the rapture for non-believers. In the end, you can take what I say with a grain of salt. That’s fine. But my main message is to truly believe in your Bibles! Jesus is real! Jesus
Christ coming back! I praise Jesus forever!
God Bless.
Here is my testimony for you.
When I was age 5 I saw small gray in bedroom in house, daytime, woke up from nap with my Mom and looked in a full length mirror and saw gray on floor looking out from under the bed, could not process what I was seeing, thought it was a child, or an old bald man, then could not categorize and thought it was a monster. Was not having a dream, noted at the time this was not a dream. Thought of touching it, but was scared it might bite me or have teeth. Was scared, curled up by Mom and went back to sleep. Remember asking her if she saw anything after I woke and nap was over.
My Mother remembers me asking her if she had seen anything strange after the nap.
I remember telling my parents a year later, after seeing ET at the movies, that I had seen an ET in the bedroom.
My mother remembers me telling them this about age 6. My feeling at the time was essentially “Darn, I could have had a fun adventure with the ET but I was too scared, I am so dumb, I missed my opportunity.”
Had night terrors some as a young child, around this age, remember woke up at least 1 time dreaming about a multitude of bugs, looked at the wall and thought I saw bugs crawling on it, lots of screaming and it woke my parents up. Also was insistent on checking under the bed and in closet for monsters.
skip to age 12-14 liked my bed mattresses on the floor with no frame, skip to age 16-18 had frame again and memory of this event when I was 5, still checking under bed for monsters/aliens. Habitual routine every night or I could not sleep.
There were no “alien abduction” events from ages 5-20, that I remember, though many other supernatural/paranormal events which could not be classified as “alien abduction”.
I became a born-again Christian Age 20.
In trying to understand many paranormal things that happened to me, while reading the Bible, asking God for understanding, the Holy Spirit seemed to tell me that the alien experience I remembered from when I was 5 tied into the Bible in the verse “And I saw 3 evil spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet.” So I realized this alien was a demon/fallen angel. I have done much thinking and research on understanding how the “alien” phenomena fits into that verse since then.
Age 23-24 one day noticed I was habitually tounging this hard bump inside my mouth, and realized I never used to do that, and realized this bump was something new. It was a hard under flesh spot on the jaw bone, could not be a flesh growth like a tumor, and I could not figure out what it was.
About 4 months later I was watching the Karla Turner DVD I got from Alien Resistance, along with many Ancient of Days conference DVDs, and the Holy Spirit really seemed to make Turner’s statements on automatic or nonvoluntary repression of abduction memories (ie fallen angels have control over the repression and there is no personal choice in this repression), and also the ability for later recovery of these memories. This struck a chord, and at this point I started having memories come back of an “alien abduction” experience. Some of the memories were more body/sensory, and some were visual, some was pieces of conversation. Altogether, what happened went something like this:
My eyes were shut and I was paralyzed and felt drugged, sorta like one might feel when very drunk but without any burning or nausea or dizziness. I felt like I was lying in bed on my back, I thought I must be in my bed, I looked to the left, open my eyes, expected to see my significant other there, he was not, I didn’t see my bedroom, instead I saw a concrete gray room, the light extended out a little ways, but most everything was in shadow, I could move my head and looked around, I saw three grays standing over me, 2 were kinda holding me, another was moving around some. I was intrigued watching all this. They were not causing pain… but then they molested me some, And then there was some telepathic conversation…
for the most part it was really annoying/irritating and also it was hard to focus. I tried to move, but I was paralyzed… eventually they got out a big drill and stuck it in my mouth, it hurt, I tried to ignore the pain and think about something else, but it really really hurt, and I think I eventually blacked out from the pain.
Anyway, once I remembered this, I placed the event to having happened in late Dec of 2006. And looking back, I remembered I had been reading on AR somewhere about ‘seeing things out of the corner of your eyes moving’ preceding an abduction, and remembered I had been experiencing that happen within a week of this abduction event.
I am thinking it was May or June I started experiencing ‘seeing things move out of the corner of my eyes’ again one night. And I realized I might soon have to deal with another abduction experience, even though I knew what it was… I knew it was evil spirits… so I got on the AR and then your CE4 website right then and read the guide to self-deliverance on there, and verbally rebuked outloud in the name and authority of Jesus Christ. Just what is written in the guide to self-deliverance, “The Lord Jesus Christ Rebuke You, The Lord Adonai Rebuke You! …” And I stopped seeing things move out of the corner of my eyes.
I haven’t had an abduction experience since, that was May/June of 2007.
A Response to the Charisma article
“Aliens Among Us”
The article was printed in the April 2001 issue
Greetings Mr. Jordan
I am writing because of what I read in Charisma, April 2001 issue, “Aliens Among Us,” which I subscribe to.
I experienced a strange thing in February/March 1990 which I have shared with my wife several times, which I am describing to you in this letter.
I was by myself (alone) at the time these events occurred, and I was asleep. In my sleep (lying flat on my back) I saw a brilliant blue-white light which came out of a bouquet of light pale-blue flowers above the mirror on my wife’s dresser which is located at the foot of the bed.
The light beam made a complete circle like a light beam rotating from right to left (clockwise) then went back into the center then shot a beam of light right at my forehead. I felt it hit my forehead and something snapped. I sat up in bed, wide awake! For a long time trying to figure out what happened. (There has never been a bouquet of flowers on top of the dresser.)
I saw that beam of light come at me, felt it strike my forehead, and felt something snap in my forehead. I thought about this for a long time and then went back to sleep.
Then I saw (in my sleep, dream, or awake, I don’t really know) 2 creatures that looked just like the picture on page 49 of the Charisma, looking at me from outside the bedroom window. They were peeping over the lower left-hand corner of the window sill. This took place after the light beam. ( All of these events took place early in the morning just before daylight.)
I never felt the same after that event. I have experienced a lot of crying and at times I just break down and cry. For some reason I say, “my soul is crying.”
Anything can start the crying, usually something seen on TV but it is never the same thing. It is always different. I have experienced a lot of fears, which I cannot explain and have no reason to be afraid.
I have been a Christian since I was 11 years old. I have never regretted my decision for following Christ.
Thanks for reading this letter. I do not look upon this as being good as nothing good has come out of it.
No Name
Dear Joe,
I must let you know how your caring and unselfish sharing of your time and knowledge has helped my family. About this time last year I talked with you at your home on the telephone about a tremendously disturbing occurrence with my granddaughter. She was 6 and shared with me over the telephone (we have an amazing connection) from Littleton, CO to my 2nd home in Sun City, AZ. She shared that she had visits from a helicopter outside her bedroom window. There was a sign on it that said, Hey you down there, come up here! She also had trouble sleeping, was frightened and many times “felt” there was just something “that wasn’t right” in her bedroom and was afraid to go to bed at night. She said her little sister wasn’t sleeping well either.
I tried to reassure her without sounding alarmed. When I asked if she told her parents she said they just said it was just the moon, etc. and to just go to sleep. I immediately reassured her there was something I had learned and helped her father with when he had scary dreams when he was little. He would come into my room and we would pray together and say “In Jesus Name, go away!” (basically) then he would fall asleep on the floor by our bed. I told her anything bad has to go away and leave you alone when you call on the name of Jesus to help you.
Then I contacted you!
You so unselfishly shared your knowledge and time to educate me on the demonic relationship these things are and not “just” from another planet. I wrote down your information as quickly as I could and received confirmation from you about calling on Jesus’ name to repel these demons.
I also read everything I could about abductees and how they had stopped their abductions, what worked etc. I prayed incessantly and fervently for that precious little girl. I told only my sister and my husband about this because I didn’t want to betray my granddaughters trust in confiding in me. My sister listened, seemed to understand and believe me and said my granddaughter was lucky I was her grandmother as I was trying to help her. My husband simply said I don’t believe it that stuff.
The next time I talked to my granddaughter I casually asked if she was sleeping better and she said oh yes and went on to talk about other things. I didn’t want to bring up something bad if she was able to be happy and go on with her life but I continued to pray fervently.
I invited her to travel with me to Oklahoma for a family Indian pow-wow in June so I thought I would have lots of time to approach the subject or allow her the opportunity to talk to me while we were alone for a few days. When I flew to pick her up in CO I found she had “instinctively?” done everything I had planned to suggest to her. She had moved her bed away from her window to the other side of the bedroom, she had a metal fan that she turned on at night and over the top of her bedspread she had spread out a quilt I had made her by hand and quilted while on a trip to Calcutta, India where I worked in Mother Theresa’s orphanage for a day, saw her casket and stayed in a hotel across the street. I had many, many remarkable things happen on that trip. One of the nuns gave me some metal Madonna’s (I guess that is what you call them since I am not Catholic) that had been touched and blessed by Mother Theresa. I made a book of pictures of me with her quilt all over India and Nepal and gave her one of the medallions. Also the quilt I made….had angels all over it. I have always called my granddaughter my little angel girl.
All of these suggestions I had learned from you and reading about stopping abductions she had done without me having the time to tell her.
I have not really brought up the subject of aliens…she doesn’t know that is what they are. But she has had been scared of things “peeking” at her since she was tiny. She had a thing about doornobs when about 2 and was afraid of them turning while she was in bed…we all just tried to unsuccessfully reassure her there was nothing to fear but she knew from her own experience but was too young to express it. Once at our home she wouldn’t go into our balcony area because we have a skylight and she saw a leaf moving on it. She was panicky. This went on for weeks so finally I told her grandpa would take the leaf down but grandpa tried everything and couldn’t reach the dam leaf to get it off the steep 2 story roof. Finally months later it blew or washed off by itself I guess but she wouldn’t go near that room until she knew it was gone.
So bottom line, you, we have been successful but I will never rest and continually give gratitude to God for protecting her. Oh by the way, I called on God fervently to release his Angel Michael to battle for this child against the devil and believed it was done. I live in constant gratitude for this. I pray many times daily whenever I think of anything related to my granddaughter, Archangel Michael, Jesus, abductees etc. In July while getting ready to leave AZ to return to my home in OR I went to Sedona and had a picture of my aura taken with a short “reading”. I do this on each trip as I enjoy the feelings and the picturesque rocks in Sedona. The reader showed me the picture and said this is really unusual. There is so much light around your heart it looks like you are very spiritual and have many guides or angels right here near your heart. No, this is so big and unusual it looks like an Archangel right here over your heart! I just thank God for his blessings and confirmations.
I have just had a realization. I remembered my notes from our talk together and my present situation began making sense. I am in extreme pain right now. I have never had health problems of any consequence but the doctors have not been able to figure what is causing my pain. My hips and legs and so painful I am immobile without pain pills. I have had so many blood tests, MRI’s , neurologists etc and no one can figure it out. I can only walk up stairs and move with pain medication and extreme fortitude to withstand the intense pain. I am no longer able to drive and have to rely on family for everything. In fact I am loosing bladder control also at night on the way to the bathroom (more than you wanted to know huh!) I am 59! I have been racking my brain trying to help the doctors with recollection of a fall, anything that would account for this problem. I was recently able to recall when it started…..about this time last year! Right when we talked about my granddaughter and you told me to be prepared because I was going to be attacked! It started very slowly with my hips and legs feeling stiff. I remember thinking was I resting too much in AZ!? I was doing a lot of sewing, watching TV etc. all alone and enjoying the quiet and peace of doing only what I wanted to do for a few months each year. I tried to start walking and exercising but found I was limited and the pain didn’t go away. I compensated and got by but when I returned home in early Aug. I knew I couldn’t stay in AZ alone any longer because I was in pain and couldn’t take care of my self and do everything alone. I was relieved when my painful plane trip home was over and I immediately started going to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me. I am still in that process to this day. My husband is very worried about me as I cant do much of anything and am pretty much housebound. Upon remembering what you said about being attacked I have told close family I am taking this out of the hands of doctors alone (continuing with the process) but now I am praying for God to release the devils grip on my health so I can be of help to my family.
Our oldest son had been “attacked” by his business partner with a hostile takeover of their company. He has tried to put the company and my son in bankruptcy with fraud and many illegal and unethical dealings. I have recently been shown this partner is possessed by Satan (sounds weird I know) to do these hateful and immoral things and I have been praying in this vein. My son and his lawyers shortly thereafter have gathered enough evidence to take him to court and stop this horrible travesty.
Satan has tried to attack us but as God has shown me what is truly happening I have prayed for intervention and guidance. Life is good and we can all have victory over Satan with God’s help. I am forever grateful God sent you into my life. I just want you to know how much you are being used and how appreciative my family is to you. I am praying for your strength, wisdom, financial success and fortitude as we battle evil together.
I know I can use it too!
Forever grateful, Lynda
Hi Joe,
Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. I am writing to you to share a testimony. I hope that you will be blessed and benefited from this in your research and ministry. I am a born-again Christian through my life changing experience through giving my life to Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. I have often had dreams and visions over the years about different things, many which have come true. I never paid much attention to the UFO phenomenon abduction scenario. Not that I did not believe it happens but that I knew it was demonic in nature. So I was surprised that while I had a vision that a demonic spirit decided to take the form of a miniature UFO. Here is my vision:
I was sleeping this morning but well aware that my body was sleeping (in the spirit). in the vision I was watching a meeting of what looked like Military Affairs. I could not hear what was said in this meeting. In this meeting among officials I could see these spiritual beings that looked human but they were not and they were evil ones. They were dressed in orange and red spandex uniforms and stood all around these officials. I moved past them and went into Condoleeza Rice’s office and watched her. She was not able to see because I was in the spirit. She was standing at her desk and sorting through papers on her desk. I moved closer to her desk and looked at the papers and saw the plans were from the UN. These plans were descriptive and had plans to divide the earth into 10 regions. Then the evil angel came into the office and saw me and stared at me and I felt its gaze on me. I immediately began praying in the spirit so loud that my own sleeping body was doing so.
Then all of a sudden, I was looking around in my bedroom in the spirit. When I looked up from where I was sleeping and all of a sudden, a miniature UFO came through my window and hovered in the right corner of my bedroom near my bureau. Then I rebuked it in the “name of Jesus” and the UFO left and I awoke. However I was tired and fell back asleep.
When I fell back asleep the UFO came in through my window and hovered in the same corner of room. I rebuked it in the “name of Jesus” and again the evil spirit left. Then I went into my kitchen while in the spirit and saw my daughter was dressed for school but had not gone like she was supposed to. I wanted to scold her and was angry with her for not going to school, but I gave her a tight hug anyway. Then I woke up and fell back asleep again.
When I fell back asleep this time the UFO came again hovering in the same corner. This time I saw a an evil spirit materialize next to my bed even though I could not perceive its shape. Before I was able to speak it tried to physically attack me by probing my neck and I was paralyzed a moment and could not speak. So I lifted my pinky up in the air and spelt out “Jesus help”. Immediately the evil spirit released its grip and I yelled “leave in the name of Jesus and do not come back again”. The evil spirit left and was gone.
Please if you have any comments or leading of the Lord on this experience please let me know. Thank you and may the Lord bless your ministry.
In Christ,
All right. Well, first I would like to preface by saying I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ (although am very bad at it regrettably) and have been seriously since only 2003 even though I grew up in a strict Christian household (I’m 25 now). I have no history or fascination with the occult (other than the standard ‘dabbling’ most American children engage in i.e. scary movies, books, Bloody Mary, etc.). I’ve backslidden many times, however, and my father was a primary contributory force in mine and my siblings’ growth in a ‘severe broken home.’ I won’t get into that, only to say it was traumatic (although not so much as others have gone through).
My “experiences” or whatever they are didn’t start, or I didn’t identify nor perceive them as “paranormal experiences” until after one of my friends relayed a similar experience she’d had to me. In her ordeal she was asleep on her couch and coming in contact with a ‘being’ she became paralyzed and could hardly breath until she uttered the name of Jesus consequenting in the cessation of the attack. She’s had other encounters, but this one always struck me the most profound. I can’t recall how long after she told me that story I had my first experience, that being neither here nor there, I was dreaming that I was in a vast space with a muted grey atmosphere (the ground was flooded with a half inch to inch of water), almost like an overcast day but more subdued yet expectant, and off some distance there was a wedding party with some ushers, a bride (one of my friends), a groom, and a baby stroller or carriage of some sort. As I approached said party the people began to file away with some urgency with no heed to my person whatsoever. I too began to feel an almost dread urge to leave that place, but there was nowhere to go as that space was empty as far as the eye could see. Then, all of a sudden I was in the hallway in my house, but the only part of my house that existed was that lit up hallway, three closed bedrooms, and an open bathroom. Even though I was in a different location I felt in my spirit the same malevolence that had caused the wedding party to flee was still coming. I went into the bathroom to hide and when I turned on the light there was an older black male standing behind me who I did not know nor had ever seen. He was smiling, but there was something horribly sadistic about his grin. I couldn’t move or do anything. Then, the man began to vibrate rapidly whilst trying to enter my body and at that point I woke up (or thought I did). Now this is where it gets really weird. I was in this state that some of your other testimonials talk about that is in between waking and sleep (but I really thought I was awake) and this is important because it’s always in this ‘state’ that these occurrences happen under. It’s not quite like being awake because I don’t feel fully alert and conscious, but it’s lacks the lucidity and abstractness of a dream (even a lucid dream where one is fully aware that they’re dreaming; it’s more real than even that). Anyway, I was back in my bed thinking I was awake, when all of a sudden I felt that same violent vibration and something trying to enter me. My breath began to leave me forcefully while at the same time experiencing paralysis and even rising in the air a little. It was then I remembered that my friend invoked the name of Jesus to cease her prior experience I related, and at this point in time I did the same and then the “attack” stopped and I woke up for real.
Well, the second time all I remember is that I was in the same dreamish state lying in my bed in the middle of the night when all of a sudden I couldn’t breath, was paralyzed, and couldn’t even hardly see except that I could ‘see’ or perceive a being to the right of me restraining my wrists preventing me from fighting back. The being was like a shadowy outline but more light grey toward the center, smoky and ephemeral in nature. As ‘it’ held me I again called out to Jesus and the incident stopped again.
Now, this third time happened last night. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on aliens, the end-time deception, and the strong delusion God will send and have watched a lot of YouTube videos on the subject also. Last night after dreaming a normal dream I immediately entered the dreamish state, only this time I was in a tight metallic compartment in some sort of vehicle of which I got the distinct impression was traveling upward. The compartment, as far as I explored it, was half-moon shaped with no visible way out, although it did have a window facing interior to the vehicle. It felt so real and I was astonished, and to be honest with you when this segment of the dreamish state commenced, I really thought I was being raptured in my physical body, that’s how real this experience was. I quickly realized this was not the case, but I was traveling somewhere. I was alarmed to say the least, knocking on the metallic walls of the hold trying to escape. When I began to look for a way of escape near the window, that’s when a creature looked in at me, which I can only describe as a “Grey” but not exactly. I immediately said Jesus’ name, and nothing happened. I said it again and still nothing, and that’s when I panicked. I thought that this time whatever was being planned for me would play out in it’s entirety before I got the chance to leave, and it was then that I cried out in desperation, “Jesus Christ help me!” All of a sudden everything melted away and I woke up.
What strikes me about these experiences is that one, they didn’t start until after my friend told me about hers, two, I have no real way of knowing if they truly happened in ‘real time’, but three, I’ve had scary dreams all my life (some arguably a lot more scary than these) but have NEVER felt the need to invoke the name of Jesus in them; only in these three where I was attacked. Now, I’ve had lucid dreams before (which are rare), and I’ve entered the ‘dreamish’ state before too without incident (which is even rarer), but like I stated above, in only those three instances where I was ‘attacked’ have I EVER felt the need or have been compelled to name the name of Jesus Christ.
Sam II
I am grateful to the CE4 Research Group for allowing me to relate the Truth I have found concerning the true agenda of UFOs. Although
words seldom lift veils, it is my hope through this discernment that somebody somewhere will understand my words and escape this deception that has come upon us as a snare. We’re all responsible for what we believe , and you can’t always believe what you see, because in this case; things are not as they appear, and they appear as they are not!
I always felt different. I wasn’t satisfied with the church’s explanation of truth. If God went to church I didn’t see him there. Faith wasn’t logical to me. I figured man invented God in his own image to give purpose to his otherwise meaningless life. I didn’t want a meaningless life. I knew that somewhere out there the Truth was buried and I was going to find it. And I did…
I decided to study the occult. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. I began to read books on astrology and numerology and it wasn’t long before I was using the knowledge I’d learned to win horse races. From there I studied palmistry and the tarot. witchcraft came later.
One evening as my friends and I were sitting on a hillside smoking a joint (well it was 1973, what did you expect?). Marsha pointed to what I thought was a star. But this star moved, at first slowly and then in the blink of an eye it was gone. She explained that her cousin had previously pointed out a ship to her and now she sees them all the time, and it wasn’t long before I saw them too. I was hooked, something wonderful was happening and I was part of it.
Having friends in high places was cool. It wasn’t long before Marsha and I were a couple of space troopers. Knowing well that ships would appear, we would take unsuspecting friends to desolate places in the middle of the night just to watch their faces when they saw a UFO. Some liked it, some didn’t. One evening we sat at a power plant, and a huge silent glowing red ship hovered above us. Twinnie, one of Marsha’s friends, got out of the car and ran off. we found her later, still running, and took her home. that was the last time she partied with us.
It wasn’t long before I found out what comes around goes around. One of my grateful friends decided to return the favor and asked me if I’d like to party with a ghost. They took me to a sharp bend in the road and parked the car. I soon felt the presence in the car with us. My flesh felt like it was coming off my bones and the hair on my arms stood on end. Richie said, “He’s here.” I don’t know why but a few nights later we went back. I felt the same sensations as before, but this time the spirit came into the car, passed through my body, and looked out of my eyes. I remember thinking be calm, don’t let it know you’re scared. After about a minute it left. God that was horrible. I was glad to get home that evening. I decided I wasn’t going back there anymore.
It was late, so I decided to go to bed. I closed my eyes and began to think about what happened. I began hearing breathing, at first faintly, but then it got louder and louder. I reached for my picture of Christ that was on my dresser. Just as I grabbed it a bottle which was beside the picture was hurled at my face and struck me in the forehead. I saw stars. The breathing stopped and I went to sleep. The next day I had a perfect black and blue circle in the middle of my forehead.
While I was in the library, I came across a book on witchcraft. Spells were explained along with strange formulas for potions. I learned that to cast a spell, all I had to do was call upon the name of a demon and tell him what I wanted. One evening I went to driving school with Marsha. She had a point problem along with others. I sat in the back of the room. I decided to test the witchcraft, so I said to the demon “If this thing is real make that guy in the front seat twitch.” Well he about fell on the floor. At that point it was pretty clear to me that I was dealing with a lot more than I could, or should have been. I never tried to cast another spell, but I did start to think about God. Because if Satan existed, then He obviously did also.
Of all the times Marsha and I had encounters with UFOs, I never suspected that anything happened besides what we remembered . Sure there were a lot of night that we got home later than we had planned, but you know you don’t have to be anywhere at any particular time you don’t wonder where the time went. Besides, everyone knows that time flies when you are having fun. To this day I couldn’t say for sure if we ever had contact with anyone, or if we had been abducted. Not together anyway. I was alone the night the ships landed…
One evening I was bored so I decided to hitch a ride to a friend’s house. Mary and I were best friends. She’d never experienced the UFOs with me. I’d told her about it but she didn’t believe me.
When I arrived, no one was home. I figured it better to wait for her than to try to hitch a ride back home. I sat down on a lawn chair with Mary’s dog, Corky. I loved Mary’s house. It sat on a hill and the peace was wonderful here.
Dusk was just settling in. As I sat there, I saw a ship silently land about 75 feet in front of me in the field. I thought, “This doesn’t look right,” This thing looked like it came from somewhere closer than outer space. I envision a ship which is capable of deep space travel to look something like what Wil Robinson and his family piloted in “Lost in Space,” large, saucer shaped, and silver metallic. This object was shaped similar to a top but the bottom flared out. From what I can remember it was probably 15 or so feet wide and by not much more than that high. I remember it had 3 lights toward the peak at the top which formed a triangle. It was a rusty color, the color of weathered steel. I could see a railing around the center of the craft and it appeared to be sitting on a tripod which elevated it from the ground. Across the center of the ship was writing I was not able to read. It reminded me of Greek, and this really puzzled me. I thought it looked like the writing that would be across a sorority house, and I thought what the hell is Greek writing doing on this thing? I think I recall a backward small “e” and an “o” with a line though it. There were many more letters, ones I cannot type. I remember thinking again, this doesn’t look right. What was a ship from another planet doing with an inscription that looks like Greek on it.
It was at that point that I could hear the weeds moving towards me. I knew I was being approached but couldn’t see anything. I thought the dog would have sensed trouble but he didn’t. At this point I think I walked up to a tall, rather handsome man in a tan jumpsuit type uniform. I see this man standing beside the ship trying to guide me in to it. I recall nothing about entering or leaving the ship. He was tall and handsome with shoulder length wavy brown hair, and a regular build. I remember reading a tag which was sewn to either his arm or over a pocket. Whatever was on the label I can’t say for sure. Now that I think about it, he was just the kind of guy I’d have been attracted to, yet all I could think of when I looked at him was, what is someone from the government doing here? I remember again thinking this doesn’t look right. I don’t know if it was human appearance, or the tan uniform, or the tag on his pocket but he wasn’t a big-eyed alien. Nothing made sense, the ship was wrong and the guy was wrong. What is someone from the government doing in a UFO? The next thing I remember is standing in the original position I first saw them from. I remember being puzzled by seeing him, yet this part is the fuzziest and I remember everything else very clearly.
I noticed to my right was another identical ship, which didn’t land with the first one. I remember feeling sorry they were leaving. I was sad because I wanted to go with them. I was told that I was one of them, that I was to help people to understand who they were, and to help others accept them (even though I don’t remember speaking to anyone). I watched the first ship lift off. As it ascended I could see what I thought must have been the power source. Three large red glowing circles, one of which seemed to be sputtering as if it had difficulty. I thought again, this whole thing just doesn’t seem right. I decided that maybe these were probe ships. As I watched the ship rise, I said “Bye” and for the first and only time, I heard a noise that went **BLEEP** as if saying good-bye. Then as I watched, the two ships flew side by side to form two brightly lit triangles. They danced in circular motions around one another until the triangles became one. And again I thought, what are they doing? This just doesn’t look right. As they circled one another the most beautiful display of rainbow colors were flowing from them and circling them. They then flew off together. Not more than a minute later my friend returned home. She was surprised to see me in her back yard. I tried to explain to her that I had been entertaining UFOs, but she thought I was high. I wasn’t. Besides, there were times when I was, but I never saw anything like that.
All I could do was think of them. In the weeks that followed I began writing in journals. I was always a daydreamer, but it seemed that I had taken my daydreams to a new level. I would draw geometric forms and become lost with them (Mandalas). I didn’t understand then, but as I was spacing out in my art work I was being versed in what was to become New Age philosophy. My mind was in communication with them as we were somehow telepathically linked. I drew pictures of aliens, and ships, and other worlds. My journals were filled with philosophical questions and answers about why we were here and what our purpose was. I became very aware of myself as I began to examine what I believed to be the Truth. I felt special. My friends were amazed when I’d show them the ships. Amazed that they followed me
and appeared when I chose to be with them. At that time in 1974, very little was known about UFOs and as I said, If we were missing time than we figured it was because we lost track of it. None of us ever suspected that anything happened to us that we didn’t remember, Why would we?
Three years is a long time to have a relationship with UFOs. As far as I know I was never treated badly. I don’t recall ever being forced to do anything against my will. I do know that just because I don’t remember, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I believe the purpose of our relationship was to teach me about them, and bring others to them and I did. I brought many others.
It was 1974. I graduated from high school and moved away. I never did see Marsha again. I made new friends, some of which I showed the ships to.
I soon met Connie. She was married and had a 10 year old daughter. We would drive around at night and eventually stop at a seclude area and wait. We did this a lot. I remember one evening we sat and watched a UFO from her car. We returned to her house. We left her daughter there with Connie’s husband and my boyfriend. When we walked through the door we were met by two angry guys. They wanted to know why we were gone so long and what exactly we were doing. We laughed it off. I don’t even think we looked to see what time it was. We thought they were mad because we left them. I never gave it another thought. Maybe I should have.
Connie began seeing the UFOs when we weren’t together. She claimed that one evening she saw a woman looking out of a porthole as a UFO hovered over her car. She claims she left her car and ran off. Her husband wasn’t too happy as he had to walk to get the car she’d left
still running in the middle of the road. He didn’t believe in UFOs and he was beginning to believe we had severe mental problems.
One evening as Connie, her daughter Jenease, and I sat watching TV, I said, “Let’s go out in the yard, I think they’re here.” Connie said No but her daughter said, “I’ll go.” Connie lived in the country in a fairly secluded area. We walked to the end of the yard and was right. The ship was above us. We watched as it brightly glowed and hovered silently. All of the sudden we heard the roar of a helicopter approaching quickly. As it came upon us, the UFO glided away. I pulled Jenease down so we were hidden in the weeds. The helicopter hovered above us and shined a search light close to where we were hiding, and then shot off after the ship. I remember wondering, “Who could have been flying that helicopter?” I was glad they didn’t see us.
I believe everything happens for a reason, and for that reason it was very good that I met Diana. Diana was a Christian. She asked me to go to church with her one evening and I accepted. It was a peculiar place, not like the church I grew up in. These people were different somehow. It felt good there, peaceful. After the service I spoke with a woman who was walking beside me as we left the church. Diana and I told her about the UFOs. She stopped walking and she said, “That’s Satan. It’s a deception.” At first I didn’t was to believe her, but I found myself realizing over the next few days that I’d been used. How stupid I was. I never saw it coming. I just didn’t see that my friends in high places had an agenda to destroy me. For the first time I was seeing clearly, or trying to. I began reading the Bible. I didn’t know what I was looking for but I know that I was looking in the right place.
One evening as I was watching TV I saw a ship in the distance coming toward my house. I walked over to the window and as I stared at it, I said, “I know who you are Satan.” The ship flashed a blinding light in my eyes and left. That was the last I ever saw of them. They’ve never returned.
Fifteen years went by. One day as I walked past my book shelf, Erich Von Daniken’s book The Gold of The Gods caught my eye. I stopped dead and said, “Oh my God, I know what you’re doing.” The revelation floored me. Satan was going to land UFOs on Earth disguised as aliens from outer space and they were going to claim to be God. I was shocked! It all hit me out of the blue! At the time I didn’t really understand his full agenda, but I knew the plan. I probably knew it all along.
For the next ten years I spent a lot of time reading the Bible and anything that I could find about alien abduction and the New Age Movement. I knew exactly where the movement was coming from. After all I used to be one of them. All the pieces fell into place. It was all such a perfect plan. I had to wonder where I’d have been today if I hadn’t seen the Truth. A New Age Leader, hanging out with Sheldan Nidle and the rest of Satan’s puppets. They had big plans for me, but I guess God had bigger ones.
I found all too soon that just because I knew the Truth didn’t mean anybody would believe me. After all, people have a hard time accepting Satan exists. Tell them he pilots UFOs, and you’re left talking to yourself. I’ve watched for years and we’ve become conditioned to accept them. Even today I see more and more religions becoming infiltrated by New Age beliefs. Why not? If you don’t know what you believe, then anything looks good. Christians don’t give their faith the consideration they do to buying a car. Religion is going down because they never knew Christ. They worshipped a synthetic one instead of the real one. And now they’ll reap the rotten fruit they’ve sewn.
Please feel free to share my encounter with whoever you please. If it can help somebody like your site helped me today, I’d be forever grateful.
I have grown up Agnostic my whole until recently, today actually, I full accepted Jesus Christ into my life.
When I was 15 in 2007 I awoke one night with severe lower back pain after dreaming about a dark cloak wrapping around me. I thought nothing of it, having previously injured by back when falling out a tree. A few days later I brought it up casually in conversation with my Mother and she frowned at me and told me a story about my Gran. My Gran had slept in my room about a month earlier and had experienced the same pain when awaking to what she thought was someone slapping on her back. We shrugged it off as mere coincidence and went about with our lives.
A year later I awoke one night facing my door with what looked like a man standing in the door way. I squinted thinking it was my best friend who often stayed over but then I remembered that he wasn’t there that night. I rapidly blinked and eventually closed my eyes thinking it was probably my mind playing tricks on me or my step dad just checking the house. In the morning at the breakfast table I brought it up and neither my mom or stepdad said they had been in my room. At this point I was wary of what was going on but didn’t look into it because whatever was in my room that night did not feel evil at the time.
A few months past and again I woke up to something like the figure of a person in my room. I was lying flat on my stomach and what felt like a hand was rested on my head and stayed there for a prolonged period of time. Thinking it was my mom, who often has done this gesture since I was born, I turned to ask her if everything was ok and nothing was to be found.
Again I told my family about the strange occurrence and my mom informed me that she didn’t go into my room that night.
Convinced my mind was playing tricks on me, I shuffled the furniture in my room, perhaps trying to rid myself of any strange shadows that some of the furniture was casting. Now, instead of facing my door, I faced the window.
At this point, I would wake every night and glance towards my window to see the shadow figure of a man staring at me.
After a month or so, I had finally had enough of being excuse my french here ‘being scared shit-less’ and told my mom something had to be done and fast.
My mom contacted a Priest who ‘cleansed’ our house and burned all that would be considered pagan. This included many artefacts and statues depicting different gods my mother collected for her art projects.
After this, everything seemed to be on the right track again. Until recently, 2 years after my last experience, I watched a movie mt boyfriend had suggested after I told him my story, ‘The Fourth Kind’. Having experienced some of the stuff (for lack of a better word) like in the movie, I began to think about my past experiences and I no longer felt safe in my own home.
Especially today, that’s why I’m writing this email to you. In my general boredom, I was browsing wiki when I came across something I’ve never heard of before, ‘Nephilim’. Curiosity got the best of me and I came across a site which links to yours. I read it all and thought to myself, ‘I’m not the only one. There’s someone else out there that knows I’m not crazy. 5 million? I know I’m not crazy now.’ Being Agnostic I was skeptical about how effective using the Lords name would be. I closed your site and had a nap. Until I was thrust into a dream about walking into a room where someone was praying to a god unknown to me. I felt uneasy and looked at my mother who was speaking only to feel my left arm being lifted into the air and eventually my whole body. I was terrified. I was 2 meters into the air thinking this was the end. It’s going take me, until I remembered your words. Rebuke this evil in Jesus’ name. And I did. I thought to myself ‘Please help me God. I’m scared. Please Jesus Christ I need you more than ever’. And I was dropped, dropped into my bed with my heart pounding and me screaming.
That’s when I decided I need to accept Jesus right now. I needed to write this email to thank you. Thank you so so much for your help. I feel confident to face these demons because of you. I’m so grateful that I stumbled on your sight.
Yours sincerely,
“My Dreams Became Nightmares”
Testimony of “Michael”
I really enjoyed your website, actually I really didn’t, spiritual warfare is not something that is much fun. I thank you for having this site, and I will keep you in my prayers, you are doing an excellent job.
I am terrified by these types of events, literally. I am a born again Christian (age of 13, and repented several times since). I have had reoccurring nightmares of paralysis that seemed so life, exhausting and frustrating. To the point, I did not want to even go to sleep. It started when I was 20(actually in High School), when I moved in with my girlfriend at the time. Even though I knew this was wrong. Several months after this, I began to have nightmares of not being able to move, which I just thought were because of stress. She would mention that in the middle of sleeping, sometimes I would raise up (and it would be during these dreams where I would feel trapped but I would try to move). I figured that this was just the beginning of sleep walking.
I don’t have any occult pasts, however, I have some Family from Pt. Pleasant West Virginia, which is the scariest place in the world. And I have an Aunt who claims to have seen many UFOs. And another Aunt whose house is haunted (her houses, it follows her).
My girlfriend moved away after that year. I moved to another place, and don’t remember having too many more of the dreams. Actually I should digress, I remember having some of these dreams during high school, most of the time, when I would be ‘back sliding’. Always the same, dream within a dream feeling, that included paralysis. One thing that was constant about the dreams, was that I knew I was asleep even in my dreams, but something was telling me to get up, get up, something is here, its in the house you have to get up. I would use my mind to try to wake myself up, and move my body. eventually waking up . I was so afraid evening in the dream like state, that I would be forced to be ‘awake’ but unable to move forever. Still am. I had a water bed at the time, and would notice when I had these dreams that were probably related to me getting pinned against the head board or tangled in the covers. I would tell people that, and they would agree.
After College I moved into an apt. with my best friend. Mind you, I am and always will be the biggest chicken in the world. So before I move in anywhere, I go into each room and closet by myself to see how it feels. At this point I was back in line, and reading my bible daily. The first night in that room, I was awakened in the middle of the night by something kicking my mattress, not the box spring but the mattress. I knew enough then, about spiritual warfare, to read my bible, and pray in the name of Jesus. I figured who ever lived there before was into something they should not be. No problem whatsoever from that point on. My mom, was always a very spiritual Christian woman. She prayed and prayed. I had an older brother who was into Heavy Metal rock, and his room just felt different. I stayed in that room when I moved back home for awhile after college. And I never slept in there without the light on. My mom always teased me, because she said, there was nothing there. In that room, I had those same nightmares though. I had that in here, because I know I am a big chicken, and that the mind can be very powerful. My mother would tell me, if you didn’t do anything wrong during the day you would not have to worry at night.
So I go stay with my Aunt in Florida, whose houses were haunted. I was only there a week. At this point in my life, I always sleep with the light on, always, no matter what. I had the same can’t move dream 2-3 times in her house that week. But I was under a lot of stress with the move, so I blew it off.
Several years go by, have the dreams every now and then, but try to map them all back to stress related incidents, or just getting wrapped up in my blankets. However, they are so terrifying, that some nights I would not even go back to sleep. I would rather just be tired, than have to endure that dream, or the thought of it.
I moved into a one bedroom apt. Around 1995. Dreams came and went, but more frequently. I was a full time member of a church, going to singles activities, really try to witness to others. Then I met a young lady, I became engaged to, however we did not behave as we should have. It ended. But during that time, the dreams were very strong. In fact, I got so fed up with it, I really began to pray and read my bible. And one night while working out (since I felt that the paralysis could be overcome by being stronger, mentally and physically, I worked out a lot, I really felt like my mind could move my body in my dream and that would bring me out), I heard a voice in my head say, why do you not depend on ME for strength during those dreams. I felt like hitting myself on the head, I cannot believe I had not thought of that. After all, these were all stress related, but God can do anything. So that very night, I was determined to use the name of Jesus. Also, I always fought like crazy in these dreams, although my body was stiff as a board, my mind was working overtime (very strenuous, always very mentally taxing to say the least). But this night, I was not going to fight back instead of using my power I was going to call on Jesus.
As I went to bed that night, I was so confident and relieved. I went to bed, and sure enough, the dream came. But this time, in my mind, I said I am not fighting back. And for the first time (even though my mom always said it was the devil), this force said you better fight, you know who this is, kind of like you don’t know what you are dealing with. Immediately I felt like I was curled up into a ball, and this force went around me like a box that got tighter and tighter, I though I was done for sure, but did not fight it. This was all happening very fast. But in my mind, I just said, I am not fighting this battle, it is Jesus Battle.
At that point (in my dream still), I felt my body shoot up from the bed at something faster than light speed for a second I thought I had been killed, but as soon as I hit the ceiling, I came back down, and woke up. Ever since that night, those dreams have come and gone, unfortunately, I still try to fight it with my mind and body, before calling on the Lord at times(it’s like I forget, and want to do it myself). I am a very independent person, so I feel like God has used this to make me realize there are something’s you can not fight on your own.
I read my bible every day, but I still sleep with a light on. Even though I know that Jesus will always save me from these dreams, I dread the thought of having them, if I knew for sure I was going to have one. I would stay up all night to avoid it. If I had enough money, I would pay to have someone watch me sleep at night so they could wake me up, if it looked like I was struggling.
Oh, sorry for being all over the place. But I worked with a lady during my engagement time, who was into Chinese Astrology, although she proclaimed to be a Christian. Nicest lady in the world, and I would always try to witness to her, and that is when the dreams came back really strong. One night, I did read through one of her books, just as a joke. I didn’t have a dream that night, but I sure felt something in my apt. But like I said I am a big chicken, and I immediately told her to never tell me anything else about me, using that stuff again. We are still friends, but I know better than to mess around with anything like that.
When I was 2, A snake was coming up our sidewalk towards my sister and I, our dog Rex was in its way. My Mom had gone to a psychic the week before. She always said that is what that was from . As crazy as it sounds, I believe her. I do not like to even mess with that stuff. I never allow friend or co workers to even tell me a horoscope out of the newspaper, and warn them of what I consider to be very dangerous. I believe those are the channels the devil uses to get into our lives, because most people think they are harmless. I was also very lucky, as a middle school, my pastor told me that drugs were the way the devil could easily gain control of you, he painted the picture so well it scared me away from drugs.
I don’t believe I was every abducted by aliens, but I will say this, the dreams I have/had sure are very similar to what they describe. And I do believe my dreams not to be from God, I believe he uses them to strengthen me, and make sure I am depending on him, and not myself. However, I don’t wish anything like that on anyone. My prayers will go out to everyone who endures this, it is so frustrating and it feels so real I can not completely describe it in words. I have many many dreams, most of which are wonderful, but these are so completely different. And I always wake feeling exhausted, like I never went to sleep at all, I really, really hate them.
God Bless your website, and I will keep these people in my prayers. I can not begin to imagine how they can cope with this without Christ, my experiences with the dreams are frustrating enough, to imagine some of the things they have had to endure makes me cry, it is a very helpless feeling.
Testimony of Kelly
A beautiful testimony showing the power and authority of Jesus Christ
In some ways my testimony is different than the others I have read here, and in other ways they are very similar! But I hope that my testimony can be used to help someone else. I accepted Christ when I was 13 laying in a hospital bed. I was to have an operation to remove a tumor that took away my hearing in my right ear, and almost took my life. There was nothing on TV. except a movie about Jesus. At that time in life I had nothing but hatred for God, and Christians. But I was too tired to live and too tired to hate anymore. So I left the TV. on. When it showed Jesus dying on the cross, I began to weep, for the first time since I could remember. And I prayed, “God if your as good and as kind as I see here now. Then please, let me die.” And I heard a Voice, “First give me your life.” I felt no fear, but I looked around the room and out the door down the hospital corridor to see where the Voice was coming from. I saw no one and got back into bed. I whispered, “What?” And it said again, “First give me your life.” And I knew it was Jesus. So I said, “Take it! I don’t want it anymore!”
I still thought that I was going to die in the operation, but I didn’t. Though there was a peace and a love I never felt before, I was still tired of life. But I knew that I would die soon anyways, because my grandfather told me that if I ever betrayed him, if I ever became a Christian he would kill me. I waited for the spirit guides to tell him what I had done. But three months later, while he was at one of his satanic conventions, he died. When I realized that I was not going to die anytime soon, I fell into a deep despair. When my grandfather died, so did my connections, it seemed, with his occultic group. And I don’t know how to explain how awkward I felt in this world. I didn’t feel comfortable with other Christians, or anyone really. I couldn’t fit the world that I once knew with the “real” world. I told myself I had made it all up, and I believed for awhile that I did make it up. I told myself, forget it, it never happened. And so I made myself forget the world I had known for 13 years. But it haunted me in my nightmares. I had nightmares of being put on a table and being tortured. I had nightmares of demons telling me that I was crazy and that if I ever told anyone about them, I would be locked up and they would never let me wake up again. I would wake up with bruises, sometimes bleeding, and gasping for breath. I would wake up to people standing around my bed, speaking to me in another language, that I knew. Or my bed shaking violently even though there was no earthquake. And the thing that bothered me the most was my clock on the nightstand turning into a slithering snake, with the time in it’s eyes. And so many more bizarre things that I thought I was losing my mind. I knew I gave my life to God, but I wondered what kind of a Christian I was.
I had heard stories of people who said they were abducted and tortured by aliens, whose experiences sounded so similar to mine. But then I read a book, mentioning my grandfather and the dowsers, and the witchcraft he practiced, and I starting thinking, maybe I’m not crazy. Then things started coming back to me, the evil things that I was taught, like dowsing, sacred geometry, alchemy, witchcraft, black magic, etc. I remember clearly being held down on a table and feeling like my body was being pulled apart. Then one day, from a dare I jumped off a high place into a pool and dislocated my jaw. When I popped it back into place I blacked out. And I remembered that same pain as a little girl when I was being held down on the table. My grandfather was there, and so were the others. One man held me down while he dislocated my hip. I screamed, he said “Don’t cry. You do want to help us? You do want to help your people?” Then he dislocated my jaw. And after that jump, I realized that’s probably why I felt like my body was being torn apart. That’s how it would feel to a child having their joints dislocated. And I remembered I was told that I was a “star-seed”, a descendent of the Nephilim. I even remember being told there were other children like me, who were being taken from their families and being taught in the “old ways”. And that is was my grandfathers plan to take me “there” when I turned 14. He bragged about Hitler and Himmler, who were taught the ancient mysteries and of dowsing by his group, the Thule Gesselschaft as they were known at that time. And bragged about how many “star” children were being taken from their families now, as Hitler did with the “special” camps and Lebensborn program. And that their people were still doing these things today. So I started doing research and found some twisted truth in the lies I was told and I was mad. I begged God to show me what aliens really were. I was told that I was one of them, and part of me still wanted to believe it, to belong and feel special, even though being special also meant being tortured. And I asked if it was true, why didn’t God warn us? Then I read Genesis and Daniel. I knew that demons and aliens were the same thing. And I knew I wasn’t one of them. I read how Daniel was taken from his family, taught another language, and taught in the mysteries and sciences of the occult, but still kept his faith in God.
I read in Genesis that there really were beings called the Nephilim, and what they really are. And then one night I saw an alien, (and it seemed as if I knew him), at the side of my bed and I said, “I know what you are! Go away! Jesus is my Lord!” And it got angry and it was as if it was being suctioned out of my room right through the wall. I never saw it again. My faith in God and my desire to know Him grew. I even went to China to smuggle in bibles, for the adventure of it. But when I saw the man who was giving his life for his people to have the bible, I prayed, God show me what’s the big deal about this little book. And the more I read, the more I realized the Power that was in the Word, and how much demons hated to hear them. I still had demonic nightmares for many years, and over time they ceased. I repeated verses from the bible, and sang praises to God. In one dream, a demon tortured me and said, “Fine, be one of them, just stop praying! And we’ll leave you alone!” Of course I knew it was a lie, so I kept praying. And finally it all stopped. Once in awhile memories will come back to me, but they don’t have the same power over me. Now instead of longing for the aliens to come and “take me home”, I wait for Heaven, my real home.
When I found this site, I praised God that there were other people who knew about the true identity of aliens, and I wonder how many people who visit, can identify with me. I was shocked to see the page comparing those whose who’ve suffered satanic ritual abuse, and alien abductees. I thought I was the only one who made the connection! But I think God is revealing His truth in these last days to us all. I encourage everyone to know the Bible, like they know the back of their hand! My grandfather knew the bible better than most Christians I know, even taught Sunday school, and STILL told me “God is evil, Lucifer is good.” But like when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, using God’s own words to lie and to tempt Him, so he does today with people willing to listen to him.
Here are some verses that God used to help deliver me from the lies, and I hope will encourage you:
2 Timothy 1:7 “But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”—I really believe the battle is for our minds. I once heard a quote from somewhere, “If you can control a man’s mind, you can control the world”. The devil wants us to think we’re crazy, to make us afraid, but God has given us a sound mind!
Job 38:31-33 “Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?” For so long I was afraid. I was so afraid of the power that evil people, and the Nephilim, and the devil had. But everywhere in Scripture, it says Who has the power over the earth. In Daniel 7:25 it says that the fourth king will try to change the set times and laws, not the ones created by people, but the times and laws created by God. The devil knows his time is short. And ever since the time of Noah, he’s been trying. And I can tell you from the things I’ve seen and experienced that he’s making the way for the fourth king to be able to change those times that were prophesied and the natural laws that God has set up. But the key word is “try” because he won’t succeed! God is still in control! All those weird and unexplainable things that have happened to SRA victims and abductees are a part of his attempt to change the times and laws what God has set up!
1 John 4:4 “Greater is He who is in us, than he that is in the world”, I have seen people, and spirits, do some pretty amazing, powerful things, but God is much more powerful than the one who gives them the power to do these things.
And to all Christians, I encourage you with this, KNOW your bible! Hebrews 4:12-13 “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. . Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account!”
PS. I mentioned a group of people known as dowsers. I am not claiming that all who dowse are a part of the group my family was in. My grandfather said there were “dabblers” and “adepts”, but only the “illumined ones” know the secrets. All you have to do is look in the American Society of Dowsers book store to see what they teach and believe, and see some authors Hitler kept in his own personal library that helped influence his belief in the “super race”. Or take a look at what they offer at their yearly conventions. And I do claim this, that dowsing/divination is wrong, and goes against the word of God.
Testimony of Joel
Hi Joe Jordan;
How are you doing? It was great talking with you last week and I’m glad to hear that there are Christians like yourself who are out there telling people the true about what’s really going on in the UFO/ Alien arena.
My testimony is as follows: I am from the Island nation of Trinidad and Tobago and am a preacher’s kid. So I’ve grown up in the church and seen a fare share of demonic attacks and the power of God at work against the forces of darkness.
My first experience was at a very young age; I was under ten years old and one night while I was in bed asleep, I felt myself become paralyzed with FEAR to the point that I could not move a single muscle. The only part of my body that was active was my mind. I felt a force of some kind trying to pull me towards the window of my bedroom to OUTSIDE and all I could do to try to prevent it from happening was scream for my mommy in my mind and eventually it stopped.
Well this unwelcome visit although very infrequent, went on for many years throughout my college years in Houston, TX. and even during my professional career in San Francisco, CA.. During this time I was old enough to know that when I had a visit, instead of calling for my mom in my mind, I called on the name of Jesus and they would leave but would still revisit me from time to time.
One night while in bed, I had a major break though. I finally realized who I was in Christ and that no evil spirit should ever be bothering me like this. You see I finally understood that it was because of FEAR in my own life that gave these evil spirits a foothold and once I realized this, I was able to do something about it. That night I had another visit and this time I was able to muster up enough strength to move my lips and say “by the blood of Jesus I rebuke you” and instantly they left me and to this day they never returned. They are not stupid.
Although my experience was similar to those who claimed to have been visited by aliens I knew from a very early age that these forces were demonic and I allowed them to take a foot hold in my life because of FEAR. When I was a child living under my parents’ roof, the forces were outside my window and were pulling me to where they were. You see I believe that no evil forces could have entered my parents’ house because it was covered with the blood of Jesus and that there is something to be said for the prayers of ones parents.
My goal is to join in and tell people who are deceived the truth and also to let them know that they have no reason to FEAR any demon or Satan himself; they are the ones who should be afraid of us because we have power in Jesus’ name. Think of it like a police officer, it’s not the man himself but the authority given to him by the city he serves.
Yours truly;
Testimony of Jason II
Here’s my story:
I was asleep in my basement bedroom when I woke up suddenly and noticed 3 beings standing at the foot of the bed. I was completely paralyzed and overcome with terror and immediately sensed these beings were evil. It was very dark in the room but I could see that they were wearing hooded robes, gold necklaces, and had reptilian skin and large black eyes. They looked almost exactly like Sleestaks from the old TV show, Land of the Lost.
They floated around to the side of the bed. I sensed that the one in the middle was their leader. The leader reached down and grabbed my arms with his hands on my biceps and lifted me out of bed. I felt almost completely weightless like a helium balloon. When I was in a standing position, but not touching the floor, his mouth opened wide and he breathed a furnace-hot blast of sulfur-smelling air in my face. Then we began to rotate and sink headfirst in the floor.
I thought they were taking me to hell and I said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”, and instantly I was back in my bed, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I was soaked with sweat.
For a long time it didn’t cross my mind that I had experienced a classic “alien” abduction until I saw some other people’s stories that mirrored mine.
Thanks For Your Website
Thank you so much for the website, and the information that is put forth. It certainly has helped me in understanding what has happened in the past, and will help understand what is in store for the future.
Just a short intro to my life.
I was born and raised in eastern Iowa, never to church unless it was for a funeral or wedding. I have an older brother, and two older sisters. I guess that at some time when I was little, they had received a Ouija board as a gift, and had tried it out a time or two. (Nothing happened, from what I’m told.) When I was in 6th or 7th grade, I somehow became interested in UFO’s, and ordered the book “Incident at Exeter,” about the famous sightings in New Hampshire, in 1965.
Throughout my early days, I had suffered pneumonia in first grade, ear infections, and chronic bronchitis. My teeth deteriorated at an alarming rate (Although my mom, an RN, had me brush and floss at least 4 times a day), but I was able to be an honor student through high school.
It was at this time that my “quest” for understanding of who I was started, and since I loved history, read a book about all of the archeology digs that back up the timetable that the Bible presents. From there, questions about religion followed, to Bible studies, and then to making Jesus Lord of my life.
It was at this time that my “troubles” really began. My dad hated God, and had a fit that I was associating with people who were “Christians.” One night I was awakened at 3:20 in the morning, lying on my back, and there was so much static electricity in the room, the bed sheets were crackling, and my hair was on end, and I felt a VERY heavy presence in the room. Never had I been so terrified of anything in my life as then. I couldn’t move, but I could sense this “entity” moving around the room, stalking me? After what seemed forever, I just started saying “Jesus, Jesus,” over and over and over. Finally sleep returned, and when I woke up in the morning, the sun was shining, and everything was as it should have been, except all of my Bible Study books were hurled and strewn across the room. It had to have made a lot of noise to do this, but my mom and dad, or myself ever heard anything.
I could write a book about other instances of demonic attack, interference, and of manipulation of others to numerous to mention.
I think that Satan and his minions thought that they had me in their hip pocket, but The Lord had other designs, and revealed Himself to me in due time, and allowed me to make my decision to accept Christ as my sacrificial lamb, that His blood has covered my sins for eternity (and to all that has accepted the price that He paid ), so that we can be with Him when our time here on earth is done.
But the road I have chosen, although straight, is made difficult by the wrath of demons, who wish all to perish, but by the grace of God, go we.
Dear friends,
I read some of the testimonies on your site and there are many similarities to what happened to me, especially in 1999-2002.I live in Europe, Romania, a country where the Orthodox church has more than 80% of the population as followers, but people still suffer and do not know God and the power of his words in the Bible. It’s a sad situation that babies are being baptised by the priests only with money, dead people buried with money too, and it’s not cheap. To preserve people dignity the state has to give an allowance to a family who must burry a member. After the burial a family must spend very much with the last meal for the dead and the church asks to invite as many persons as you can, plus the money for the priests and different objects for their own use. This is how Lord is depicted, an idol who wants food and money .Our Lord and the apostles never did that. If you want to be accepted in Heaven more easily you must be a monk or a nun. The rest of the mortals are destined to hell, most probably. First comes ,in power ,the virgin Mary, than the saints and their sanctified bones, to which many people pray, and the icons, because God listens more quickly your prayers if you buy one .
This is the environment I knew about God, in fact nothing important, not how to get help from Him, how to use His Name. For good reason ,less and less persons go to church, even when you get married you must pay. The youth dislike this practice. But let’s go back to my situation. In 1996 I was teached about Jesus by a Christian youth group while I was in University, in the capital, when I was fighting a depression and other health problems. They were meeting in a hostel, in the campus. But I was reluctant about Jesus back then, I wasn’t that sure that was the truth of mankind and the Son of God is indeed the Savior of the world. My health problems got worse and worse and I could barely walk and stand. The first major attack happened in 1999,June.I was staying with a cousin in my aunt’s house in Bucharest. It was a very sunny day, around 3 pm, I was cleaning the kitchen, using a broom near the window area, an usual thing, and my girl cousin standing in the door frame,3 meters away from me. She saw better what had happened, as I was brooming. One of the windows raised on its own and turned around in the air then fell very close to me, I felt something on my waist and in less than a second I saw the window landed near my thigh. We have different types of windows here, not like in USA, they are double and open inside the room, with a knob in the middle of the frame. Yours go up and down, ours go from right to left or from left to right. There was no wind, the window was open, but inside, so, even with wind outside it couldn’t have been possible to go up and turned in the air. It was a heavy object, normally I should have felt pain but I felt nothing on my back. It must have been the guardian angel.
After that I left home for the summer holiday and returned in October the 4th. Few days after my arrival, one night happened the most frightening night of my life. That day had been a peaceful one, calm weather, sun ,I had had an easy meal, never have alcohol, or drugs or smoke. Around 20 minutes past 5am I felt someone awoke me, sensing something evil was about to take place. And I was right,5 minutes later I felt a gust of strong wind coming from the window zone, coming under me and lifted me in the air very violently (could have been 1 meter and a half or more). My intuition told me that they wanted to crush me on the wall and kill me. I couldn’t cry with my voice but I called the name of Jesus in my mind: Lord Jesus, save me!. The levitation stopped for a few seconds in the air then I felt I was coming down gently on my bed. I turned the light on and read some psalms. I told this only to 4 or 6 men, who believe in God, otherwise I would be seen as a mad girl.
But the things didn’t stop here. The same week, on Sunday morning,11 am, after I turned the TV set off, I was lying on the sofa ,something very heavy but invisible sat on my chest, I wasn’t able to breathe, got into panic and pray to the Lord, something was squeezing me from underneath and above my body. It lasted 1 minute or so, I think. I don’t know if all these had something to do with the 7th day Adventist church I was going to that time, but I decided to go again to the Baptist church who told me first about Jesus and led me to Him. When these happened I was living alone.
In 2001 I bought an apartment of my own and I started decorating it, while still living with my family. As I wanted to finish sooner in order to move there I stayed overnight to work, being an insomniac. The neighborhood was one of the best in town, expensive old apartments. I wasn’t afraid to stay though the door wasn’t that safe. I had not my mobile phone with me. I turned all the lights on and started to arrange the living room, unfolding the carpet. I was sitting on the floor when my door bell started ringing continuously. It was a quarter past 3 am. Firstly, I thought that something happened to my family and they wanted to see me. I went to the door, saw no one through the eye of the door. I was afraid to open ,I was alone. I started praying and it stopped after more than 20 minutes. Now, I think that the devil wanted me to open the door so that he crush me with it against the wall. Almost 2 hours later ,around 5 and a half all started again. God had mercy on me and burnt the bell, the electrical wires .And I could go to sleep.
In 2006, spring, my grandmother who is a widow and lives alone was watching TV one night when the TV set caused a big flame and smoke all around the room. She couldn’t breathe anymore, the curtains were black and the fire was burning behind the appliance. She unplugged it from the electrical source but it was still burning. The next day there was no sign of burning, not the TV set nor the plug. The TV was running very well.
The last month and the beginning of this one my friend went through dangerous moments after her mother bought some occult books and started to practice what she read there, she convinced her husband to do the same. Astrology, numerology, rituals performed on some persons in the family, they say a different prayer Our father, like is written in those books of spiritism .The author of these books is an old woman who communicates with a so-called angel of light, faith and crown as she said. Her TV shows late at night convinced many people to believe what she said, occult matters. The authorities decided to ban her and to prevent the spreading of her books, but not with much success. My friend and her brother were both close to death in their own house since their mother purchased those books. First it occurred to her brother in the bathroom, he felt suffocated and fainted and swallowed his tongue. One minute later he would have been dead. Few days ago my friend was in the same situation, she lost conscience and swallowed her tongue, she felt something pressing her head, dizziness but she can’t remember how she crawled to the hallway. Before that she had horrible moments during the night, she felt a presence in the room disturbing her and could move only one arm and couldn’t run away from the room. She felt almost suffocated, there was not enough air. Before that happening to her I had told her to make her mother burn those books but she didn’t want to, now she said yes. I told them how to pray and to read the Bible.
I want to finish my story with 2 real experiences with demons, very common in my region of the country, it happened long ago. They are almost identical, only the places and men are different. Those times, most of the population had their land outside the town and finished the working in the fields very late and came home after midnight. On the wayside they saw suddenly appearing from nowhere a kid of a goat. My relatives stopped the cart because the horses couldn’t go any longer because of it. They made the sign of the cross and it disappeared. The others saw the kid jumping in the cart ,they made the cross sign and vanished. The persons who didn’t pray or made the sign had fatal accidents due to that goat .Some peasants saw few pigs, also nighttime, they followed them and drowned in the swamps. On the site youtube.com one can see a scary real video with a demon who causes an accident in Portugal on a night. Three young people gave the spirit a lift and one of them had a camera that recorded all. You must see it. The boy with the camera survived. The demon had the appearance of a young girl who had died in 1983 in the same place where they had the accident. Take notice of the voice of the girl-demon.
I hope I didn’t bore you with my long letter. Many of us are afraid of this kind of experiences but it is better to know what you can go through and most of all how powerful our Lord is and how much He loves us. The only important thing in a man’s life is to know Him and lead the others to Him. With love to all my brothers in faith…”L” from Romania.
CE4 Research Testimonies
Testimony of Lindsey
Hello, may God be with us always,
My name is Lindsey and I have had some experiences that may interest you greatly. I will try to be as brief as possible. This is the skinny:
It began five years ago with strange things happening in my house. I had presently been involved with Tarot on a high level and ALWAYS could predict events for people. I look back in sadness. Anyway, the point is I didn’t believe in anything really. Flashlights would fall off the table, my dog would growl at nothing, I had bad dreams. Things were scary. Then one night it all came down on me. I “awoke” in bed without being able to move at all, not even an eyebrow. Some “thing” was in my room with me. It disguised itself to my sleeping mind (I still don’t know how I could see it without my eyes open) as a little girl. I was so scared because I was paralyzed but when I realized a little girl was in my room I relaxed for some reason. Then it began to come toward me, which made me a little nervous….At the VERY LAST moment I heard the faintest plead in my mind “It just wants you to think it’s a little girl” and RIGHT then the thing jumped at my chest, but not before I screamed in my mind, “Jesus help me, God help me!” And the “thing” was thrown back in utterly agonizing pain and the sound it made was as close to hell as any human ears could ever hear….I am sure. So, I found some very devoted Christians and I still didn’t believe it was a demon but someone (thank you Jesus) led me to their arms. They explained to me and I was so terrified….but I began to believe, I asked Jesus into my life and heart and ONLY THEN did my terror subside, in fact, I felt better than I ever thought possible. My faith had arrived.
Now the part that must interest you.
I was devoted to God for only about three months. After that, I began to question, maybe I was just dreaming, how could I know? I forgot the bliss Jesus brought me upon entrance into my life. I forgot all important things. I began to see lights in the sky. I began to read books that supported the idea of aliens being messengers of god and such…..I began to believe them. After all, these books would literally show up in my life at the most bizarre times and it was all so synchronistic….When I would see lights in the sky, they seemed to be directly responding to my “spiritual” thoughts and this too was synchronistic. I began to believe that I was special and that I would be a messenger for God and that the whole paralyzation night was a pre-test, if you will, to test my mettle. Only today, this very day, did I realize how wrong I have been. I don’t even know how it happened but I am so grateful it did. I was surfing the internet and I saw something about “Could aliens be demons?” And I scoffed and then I read it and it made all too much sense. I cried and have been talking to God, not lights in the sky, all night long. I love him even more, if that’s possible because he still loves me, and now I know the meaning of forgiveness.
I am a testament to how deceptive and tricky they are. They will not stop until, as it was aptly put in one of the articles I read today, the sheep are separated from the goats. And being a sheep really is the only way to stop them. One example of just how tricky they get, I don’t even understand how but, one night, I was walking and I saw the lights, as I almost always did, and something happened that made me run all the way home thinking fervently, over and over, “Remember this, they are not your friends, remember this…” But by the next morning I could not even remember why I had thought this. I believe they erased my memory somehow. I went on to believe they were, indeed my friends once again. I look back and shiver, I still can’t remember what made me run home. I thank God I no longer believe they are benevolent. I thank Jesus that I can once again share in his love. I hope this story will help someone out there to not have to experience what I have. Thank you for your time.
In love and peace,
Testimony of Max
I wasn’t always a born-again Christian, actually I remember thinking “I have become what I hate the most”. Though I was raised catholic and accepted Jesus Christ as the Most High at the age of 6, it hadn’t really been a big part of my life up until mid-May 2000, 17 years later. Growing up in Canada and moving from Quebec to Vancouver and then to Toronto I would see things that others didn’t seem to, “paranormal things”, demons, ghosts and goblins. I wouldn’t tell anyone because I just figured we didn’t talk about this stuff or it was all in my imagination. I would also see angels or golden light-balls too, when I accepted Christ as a lifestyle, I was 6 and a golden light-ball came to me and asked me what I wanted to do when I got old? My answer was this, ” I wanna be just like Jesus and walk amongst my people in peace”! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I ANSWERED AT THE AGE OF 6 TO THAT BALL OF LIGHT THAT ONLY I WAS ABLE TOO SEE. Right away I was convicted of my own sin, I remember thinking how I could be a better child for my parents and a better brother to my older sister and not tease her as much as I did. I had a pretty normal childhood, aside from seeing that stuff and having strong lustful thought at an early age, which again I thought was normal.
At the age of 12, I saw two golden angels help me over a car that I was hit by while riding my bike, that same year I saw what I thought was my deceased grand-mothers ghost, these as well I never told anybody until a few years after. As a family, we never really went to church, prayed and gave thanks at meals nor did we observed the Sabbath, we celebrated Christmas though! In my childhood I had always been fascinated by ghosts and aliens, I had read a few books here and there, I would also read about Bigfoot, werewolves and the Loch Ness monster. At the age of 14 I started drinking and smoking cigarettes, really rebelling.
By 16 drinking wasn’t fun anymore, I had never really likes drinking, I found something I did like, hash and marijuana. By that time, I had already experienced alien abductions and had been anal probed, years later South Park the cartoon mentions it and I laughed when I heard them mention anal probes because, laugh was all I was able to do. One weekend a friend and I were so bored we made a Ouija board and summoned the dead, that led in some people getting possessed. The high school I attended was catholic, we wore uniforms and said Our Lord’s Prayer every morning.
At about 17 I fought with a spirit in my room, it named itself Jacob and flung me to the wall where I would be paralyzed in mid-air for about 5 minutes or so, it was a classical old hag attack. In grade twelve I started to go to raves and do ecstasy, what’s funny is that I started to care more about my grades, especially in the great religions course we were all forced to take. I developed an interest in the religions around the world and started to study some, especially the ones with many gods and demigods. After high school, I quit doing ecstasy, I had thought of going to art school to get into animation, but that changed as I wanted more real-life experience before I deciding what to do. The supernatural was all around me by then, I was casting magik circles and spells, had a relationship with a succuci, was studying the occult and metaphysical I had become some sort of new age shaman. Communication with spirits and astral/soul projections were a daily thing, I was led to believe all this was training for my spiritual growth, to raise my consciousness to the next level sort of Babel, but the abductions were really out of hand by then, I had awakened during one, naked I got off the cold metal table, cursing and swearing, waving my hands in the air and pointing to one of them as I approached it I punched a gray guy in the head, my fist stayed stuck in there and I could feel the goo that it had for brains, the skull cracked like an egg and I saw colors in there and a bad smell came out. It just dropped dead like a puppet and stayed hanging off my hand, that was all I could remember from that event.
This drove me to a shrink where all he could was ” a thousand people are experiencing this, some guy from Harvard wrote a book about it, want pills “? So, I took his pills and then found myself getting up one morning leaving a perfectly beautiful relationship with this girl, family and friends, hopped on a greyhound bus and headed for Vancouver to end up living on the streets with crack addicts and prostitutes. Two weeks there another abduction happened and this time there on the ship were reptilians and strapped to the walls were some of my friends from back home Toronto. That morning I realized I couldn’t run nor hide from whatever this was, so I headed home for Toronto, after seeing my friends in comas strapped to the walls I missed them, this was in February 98.
On my return home from Vancouver things were more confusing than ever, the girl whom I had left, her and I tried to continue our relationship but to no avail. Her dad had left the faith and become a Buddhist; she had even told him that God would be pissed off because of it. I am pretty sure that our relationship was the result of witchcraft. Whether or not I learned a lot about what it means to be in a serious relationship. I was still involved in talking with spirits and doing meditations, this is when I started kriya yoga. Spirits led me to some guru from India who taught it. Truly this is the time I discovered that I was searching for something, that my whole life I had been searching but for what I still didn’t know. Starting from my high school years spirits had been given scenes from my certain so-called past lives as to make me believe that they would help me along my spiritual journey, none of this really helped all it really did was make me yearn for more. I was searching for truth, the truth. Then spirits said that because of my stage in my development the hierarchy had decided to link me with another being that was on another planet or some other dimension so that both I and this being could evolve at a quicker rate and benefit from the merge in consciousness, this is what they termed the “walk in” experience and that I had to agree with it, I was very doubtful and unsure I wanted to do this but they insist and offered me all kinds of reason why I should, they even had dead relatives come and reassure me it was alright that it would also help the whole which is God evolve as well.
Then about 5 1/2 months after that my life was really going into darkness, I was experiencing blood lust for human blood, I was looking for a host who would be willing to let me drink their blood, my perversion was worst than ever before and hidden memories of the abductions were flooding my mind at all times of the day and night. There was nothing I could do; it was only getting worse by the minute. All my so-called spirit guides had disappeared and none were responding, I was already bi-sexual since late high school and now I was being drawn into the S & M realm of bondage and torture, meanwhile at work I was playing it pretty cool so that no one would notice, but some did. I had summed up that all of this was due to the abductions and the rapes and other things that had gone on up there in the crafts with those reptilians, I would draw them and I in the most perverted scenes imaginable, they wanted me to keep drawing and paint some of these drawings which were pretty much reptilian & human pornography and then get them posted on the world wide web. I was frantic, peers at worked found out of my abductions because I no longer could hide my paranoia, they are great people, most didn’t judge me or mock me, some even believed me and shared some of their experiences. But I couldn’t sit around and have this continue, I was losing sleep, I was terrified of going to bed, I drank just to escape the reality I was living in. I remember my mom asking me what she could do to help me she said something like ” what can I do, give you a pill? give me a pill? give you a gun? give me a gun? what, what will help you”? My mom is an extremely loving and compassionate lady with a lot of patience. I was also fearful because I had remembered my nephew telling us when he was about 2 that at night “the moon would come into his room and take him away”! Many times, I wondered why this was going on and how could I end it, suicide was always a good option
I don’t know how it happened, but as much as I was anti-Christ the Lord led me to CE4 and this site helped me come to terms with whatever is going on these end days. It all ended and started one night in mid-May of the year 2000 at the age of 23, I was lying in bed and I started praying to the Lord Jesus Christ, I said something to the likes of ” Lord whatever it takes, I’ll do it just stop these abductions, whatever you want is yours, my life is in your hands, it belongs to you. And this is where I prayed the sinner’s prayer, it was 4 easy steps.